Life can be so unpredictable
Sometimes it drags you down to the lowest point
And then sometimes it puts you on the top
So don't brood when lying low or get too delighted when on the peak
Hard work is the only job one has to do in any phase of life
And after that,
Keep enjoying the current phase no matter how gloomy or cheery it is...
I wrote these lines to tell my son not to take his exam marks very seriously
His job was to study well before exams and after result it's his duty to learn from his mistakes. Hope he follows and remember this forever.
Do I learn lessons from my mistakes, I asked myself. It's easy to preach but difficult to follow. I have been doing this mistake of getting too attached to people who come in contact with me as friends and then hurt myself emotionally.
With Anulika I had a very comfortable and a positive relation. We used to give space to each other and even stood for each other at any point of crisis. But what happened that day was a big shock for me. I had a meeting with my boss around 10 am but was able to reach office around ten thirty. I rushed into my boss’s cabin just to hear Anulika's voice, complaining about me. She had so many problems with me and the words which still register in my mind are that I am a difficult person who doesn't get along with anyone.
My eyes were filled with tears, and felt as if someone has stabbed me on my back. After a deep breath I somehow gathered the strength to face my boss. Seeing me in front of her, Anulika's voice became too sugary and sweet. I gave a proper clarification to my boss for being late and started my presentation.
After that day I went in to a sort of depression. I use to brood a lot and wonder why my so-called friend did this to me.
My hubby advised me to go directly to her and discuss this but I was not much interested. After six months I left my job and my new job was a MNC one. I was really happy as this was a more professional job. Again as we say bad habits die hard and I started making friends here also.
My hubby warned me of my previous friendship aftermath. Here I met Meera, a quite simple and sweet south Indian girl. She was friendly with me and so was I but we were certainly not the fastest friends. However I used to feel that there was some sort of pain in her eyes, but never had courage to ask her. One day during lunch time when I was complaining of too much work pressure and other responsibilities, she quietly said, “At least we should be thankful to God for giving us the opportunity to work hard.” I was quite puzzled and glanced at her with a question on my face. She continued with her story - her husband has been completely bed ridden ever since his accident, but she however feels thankful to God for keeping him alive even after such a major accident. She feels it’s more difficult for a person to lie on bed forever, than for the person who is taking care of the patient.
I agreed with what she said and told her to have patience and trust God.
After one month we had a sales meet in Delhi so we all had to take an early morning flight for the meet. While rushing to airport I slipped at the airport and broke my femur bone. That was the worst day of my life as I was so excited about my presentation, but now everything was swept away. With no option left I came back home and mailed my presentation to Meera as she the only who I knew could help me out of this mess. However with my past experience I was not too sure whether if she would help me out or not.
In the evening I received a message from Meera confirming that the presentation is over. I still felt that it would have been better had I been there.
After one month I returned to office, though before that I was handling my office work from home. I personally went and thanked Meera and as usual she gave me a poised smile.
Few weeks later I got an unexpected promotion. I was excited and happy when my boss called me and gave me my letter and mentioned how good my presentation was. I found the entire interaction utterly strange as the points that he was discussing were never mentioned in my presentation in the first place. My boss continued further by explaining how Meera convinced my points and view to the other members. I was on cloud nine and felt extremely indebted to Meera. I realised that day that one shouldn’t be in a friendship where the ultimate motive is to receive a favour or help. If a person is good at heart he or she will help you no matter what is going on in their life. I learnt my lesson for not taking things too seriously and thinking negatively and now follow the lines of, “don't brood when you are let down by life or get too delighted when on the peak.”
About the Author
