• Published : 11 Jan, 2021
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Mira wondered why her family could not understand the meaning of love ?. As she was being forced to marry Vasant who belong with  Pesewa clan .He looked charming but she was not willing to give up  her hopes on  love. The day of the meeting  dawned ,Vasant along with family came see Mira . Mira appeared in  her usual gear of  casual wear  in the mark to protest this marriage .All the people  who were sitting in the living room were  stunned  when they saw Mira in this attire .Vasant's family  felt so humiliated that the place immediately .Mira's  mother was so  embarrassed that she did not speak to her daughter for days.  This made Mira go crazy and made her averse to  the concept of love .Until one day Vasant  who drops  causually at her place  .Seeing her pale face ,"he says  Let's paint the town red " by giving her reassuring squeeze .On hearing these words  her face lit  up and Mira hugged him with all her love for him in her eyes.

But Mira had her own doubts regarding Vasant's visit to her place .Without  any hesitation Mira who was hugging Vasant  questioned him "Do you still although I behaved with you and you're in you're in manner".Nah I was quiet suprised that you too believed in love and wern't giving up hopes on your but why are looking so dull and terrible .Hmm It's a long Mira said and got up from her place.Looking at the grennary outside  Vasant  paused for a while and said Mira I do want hear the story that made you look so  fragile .Vasant............ he gasped as he brushed  his lips with hers . Mira with tears in her eyes said "The day after you and you're left feeling embarssed ,my mother did not speak for days together while trying  presuade her my love then dumped me like  hot potatoe and he got married too .Once my mother came to normalcy  .She tried brochure the topic  but ignored her by giving some excues until one day my love appeared in front of my mother introducing his wife to her " .Then what happen? Vasant enquired . Ha ha nothing much she again felt embrassed and did not speak as she had been humilated by the family members of my love.This fact I came to know it through my love's best friend.Once I came to know this situated I tried to speak to her but all my effort went into vain as I could paint the town red without her smile. Later people here started move away my mother this made her resolve firm and she stop speak to me  completely and stopped taking care of my needs.Mira said with these  things with lot of wariness .

Vasant looked at tenderly but  secretly proud of her as she fitted his bill of a bold  women. I am proud of Mira Vasant said in very straightforward manner.Because in this generation  where people  commit succide for  small like Heart breaks or Ditchness.You stood like pilliar no matter what people will say or think about ,you are vocal Mira and I like you since the day when Iset my on you but today I  have completely heds over heals fallen in love withis bold upfront Mira. 

Looking into Vasant eyes ,Mira said 'I think its all god play for good that made  me realized your worth only to surrender my heart to you Mr.Vasant my prince charming' .Hearing these words Vasant pull hers into his arms and kisses her face throughly and says Let's pain the town  truely  undoing  voice. Mira nodded and herself to him as he rekindles the spark of love in her.

About the Author

Nigharika G

Joined: 12 Mar, 2015 | Location: , India

I am Author N alias Niharika G an Economics graduate from Mumbai University . I have started blogging , writing shorts stories and poems which is my passion since last year .I love to read ,cook and listen to all kinds of music and in my free time I ...

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