The One who always existed in my dreams,
But could not be perceived by me.
For a very long time
I have kept searching for that One, day after day.
It is only when You beckoned me in my need,
Only when You threw your mantle over my shame,
Was I able to fathom Your existence inside me.
Who in this world will turn me away with dishonour?
Who in this world will acknowledge my presence?
Whose soul among all people will ache for me
And whose love will hold the value of my worth?
These doubts have troubled me endlessly
And I could find no answer to them.
The only One that I have realised and understood now
Has been You, only You inside me.
Bangla lyrics of Je Chilo Amar Swaponocharini
Je Chilo Amar Swaponocharini
Taare Bujhite Parini, Taare Bujhite Parini,
Din Chole Geche Khujite, Khujite
Shubhokhoney Kaache Dakile
Laaja Amar Dhakile
Tomare Shohoje Perichi Bujhite
Ke Moore Phirabe Anadore?
Ke More Dakibe Kaache?
Kahar Praner Bedonaye
Amar Mullo Ache?
Ei Nirantar Shongshoye Hai
Parini Jhujhite
Aami Tomaareyi Shudhu Perechi Bujhite