The wise preacher measured up his young pupils chatting,
He heard them speak many ‘I’s, but the ‘We’s were missing,
He said, “Today’s lesson is important, kids, so put your play away”,
“Pay heed; as what you learn today, is there to stay”.
“A group of proud doves once flew in the sky,
The wind behind their back, their heads held high,
Their destination was far but their spirits were soaring,
Their Queen led the way, with the flock patiently following”.
“After hours of flying, they had to rest,
To eat and drink, before a sterner flying test,
The Queen saw their favorite seeds laying on a ground below,
She guided her flock down to the seeds, steady and slow”.
“Oh, but this was a trap the birds flew straight into,
Laid by a wicked hunter who knew what he had to do,
No sooner the seeds met the beautiful birds’ beak,
They were covered by a net, under its weight they felt weak”.
“Sudden panic followed, the birds thought they were dying,
Frantic but unsuccessful fluttering with ruffled feathers flying,
Two doves tried to break free from the left, and two from the right,
They were trying their best, in vain but with all their might.”
“The net was unmoved, it had cast its spell,
The birds were losing hope, they heard their death knell,
The queen saw the hunter closing in, and prayed for the doves’ life,
She shuddered when she saw in his hand a big bad knife”
“Stop!” screamed the Queen, “or this place will be our mass grave,
If we want to live, we need to be united and brave,
On my command, we need to fly off together,
Which is our only chance, to see a day another”
“They flapped their wings together on the count of three,
The net was lifted off the ground, they started to flee,
The hunter couldn’t believe what he saw,
He saw the doves fly off and admired them in awe”.
“The doves were happy, as they flew out of town,
But the net was heavy, and it was pulling them down’
Despair started to set in again, they blamed their bad luck,
The Queen came to the rescue again, as another idea struck”.
“We need to change sides with the net, we are against gravity’s law,
One by one, fly from bottom to the top and hold the net with your claw.
They did as were told, and flew away from the ground
The hunter’s net was at their mercy now, not the other way round”
“They fought and they won, they didn’t accept defeat,
Flying was so much easier with the net at their feet.
The dropped the net where the ground was clean,
And thanked their stars, and of course, their Queen.”
The kids clapped happily upon hearing the happy ending,
They looked up at their teacher, for his next preaching.
“So my dear students, never forget with passing time,
That ‘I’ is ok, but ‘We’ is sublime”
About the Author
