I want the Sun to Rise...
It's hot, the sky's been my roof since awhile
Hope the cockroaches don't disturb tonight
Lucky I found this cardboard long enough
Shall sleep well with 'roti' in my stomach
After many nights tonight has been best
Food and silence is all that's needed for rest
Mili too has happily gone to sleep
After having a plateful of feast
Why am I remembering her mother
She must be watching over us, I'm sure
She had been an ideal wife and mother
Worked hard as carrier beside me, roadster
We had a better life with her around
Till pneumonia proved fatal for her pounds
That last night she had yelled in severe pain
I could just hold her hand and watch her wane
It is exactly a month since she's gone
With her death, my aching heart can just mourn
Mili still cries and waits for her soft touch
I'm scared not be able to convince her much
If keeps wanting to know her whereabouts
I'm not sure what I'll do next or just shout
I heard the new construction site wants men
Where I could get a job and decent pence
Hate to live as scavenger, I must try
I want for Mili's sake the sun to rise!
About the Author
