Media mentions,Events,Offers,Celebrations,Social Media brimming with messages.
Hey, after all today we are celebrating International Women’s Day!
Is dedicating a day for women enough to ease her life struggles, the mental, physical and emotional ordeals, the day to day brawls for her rights and dignity at home, society and workplace, the tussle of getting acknowledged for her deeds, the skirmishes to find a place for herself in the patriarchal set up of society.
I don’t see any change in the male-centric mindsets of our society. It is not about only men but women too who support the entrenched theory of patriarchy.
I have not posted any message,on any of my social media accounts.
Yes, you heard it right.
Because I don’t find any significant reason to do so.
All these feminism thoughts and movements around is not going to help one bit if we women continue to pull each other down. I personally loathe this double standard practices played so tactfully by women against women.They pretend on the face to be a saviour in times of distress, but their truth is revealed by their gestures, in which they fail miserably.
I take this opportunity on this coveted platform to question why?
If we will not support our tribe and continue to keep crushing kindred spirits in each step, how and why do we expect men to stand up for us? Why can’t we become support system for our fellow women?
Pulling each other down is not going to bring a change,no matter how many feminism movements take flight; uplifting each other will. I want this to change. And for that to happen,I practice it myself. In whatever small ways, I try to be there for my friends, family, acquaintances, etc. to cheer them up. I empathise with them and look for means to help them out. Lend an ear with the willingness to listen, patience to empathise, heart to care, inner strength to support and cheer when everyone else is criticising. Always love and support our tribe and all those in need. I have always done that,and will always continue to do in future too. And I expect and seek that from others also.
It’s effortless to point fingers at others.What is grinding is to have the courage to stand for what is right, even when no one backs you which will definitely attract all the hate.To be the one who does not try to please everyone.
I am often surrounded by women who constantly try to bring my morale down. But what makes me even more stronger than before is their criticism. It makes me proud of myself for doing things which they can never dream of. All this because I am aware of their intentions. And my swimming against the tide to break the conventional norm, kills them. If this scenario remains then, as it still is, it will continue to remain a distant dream of men supporting women.
On the other hand, I am blessed to have women who have been my support system apart from my family members and have gone out of their way to help me in times of need, to be there when I needed them the most. And I always have reciprocated in kind. I pray to have such strong bonds for all of us. Before expecting men to do that we will have to stand up for ourselves first.
Rather than sitting and passing judgements, try and understand everyone is fighting a battle in their own way of which you have no idea about. The least you could do is accept and respect them for who they are and for their choices. I am already in that role. Striving to be better everyday and hoping all of us to share the progress together.
Change is possible. And it starts with you. Be the one.
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