College Days…
Two years of my college days had passed. I had great fun with Aasha and Ashwin and eventually we all became close friends. As a custom, we used to surprise each other on our birthdays, hang out together and did many exciting and crazy things together. Aasha and I moved along with the favourable tide. Our fights and her cries and her smiles became my routine, my staple. The fights between both of us would come and go in a jiffy, yet those brought us really close. Finally, both of us conceded that we were falling in love and I naturally wanted to stamp the relationship with my proposal. I was waiting for a suitable day to propose and that day finally arrived- Valentine’s day -I know, clichéd, but still the most auspicious date for most girls!
During these two years, apart from partying and fighting amidst the three of us, we also partied and fought with outsiders, especially between Aasha and Jessica Magnus. Their acrimony only worsened by the day and before the year ended, they completely stopped talking to each other.
On the designated day, I entered the class and it was quite dramatic. Everyone was in colourful dress, excitement bubbling in most of their eyes; also many had gifts for their loved ones. Why does everyone have to be so explicit? It’s okay, because it makes me feel comfortable. I was early to college that day, than usual. I relaxed in my seat. Then I started peeking into others’ bags in order to check out the special gifts that they had brought for their loved ones. I had to wait for my girl as she will be obviously late, as usual.
Later I noticed something protruding from the bag nearby. It was Ashwin’s bag and it had a pink coloured chart, probably his gift for his lover. But who could it be? Surprisingly, I couldn’t make a single guess. I had thoughts of opening that and suddenly Aasha entered the class and sat near me. She was wearing a saffron coloured patiyala with white stripes on it. It looked like she too was ready for confession. I was waiting for that moment and she too seemed tensed. I turned towards her and said, “Hi…” She simply nodded with an unusual smile. She looked so confused and tensed that it got me wondering about the possible reasons that could make her worry. Later I found out that it was one of her usual simple worries, this time she hadn’t prepared for our class test scheduled for that day. I realized that it wasn’t the right time to propose and decided to wait.
Class begun and everyone busied themselves in their works. I felt that Ashwin too, looked frustrated and disturbed. He was unusually nervous and I had never seen him like that in my past years with him. He too might be worried about his proposal to his loved one. I didn’t have any clue about Ashwin’s girl. How would I? I was too keyed up with my own worries.
Lunch bell rang. Aasha and I headed for the canteen and Ashwin wasn’t with us, presumably, out meeting his girl friend. I wasn’t worrying about him and his girl but myself and how I should express my love to Aasha. That was the only thing on my head but she still looked upset. I slowly started, “Hey Aasha, I have an important matter to tell you.” She nodded without looking at me as if I was going to ask her for some potato chips from her plate. I could see that she was completely in her own world and couldn’t realize what was on my head. I stopped my conversation and stared at her. At last she turned towards me but asked, “Is there going to be an exam today, for sure?”
God! She had completely forgotten the Valentine’s day matter!!! I realized that I had to calm her first. Suddenly a big plan popped up in my head and I said, “No, there won’t be any exam today.” She jolts back on her seat and stared at me curiously with her bright big eyes full of surprise and asked me “How?” I smiled and stepped towards the class. She started hopping around me with curiosity and excitement asking multiple questions about the exam. At last I asked her, “If there is no test today, you should accept whatever I say, deal?” She had a cute smile on her face as she moved towards her desk. I went near her and asked again, “Deal or not?” She looked down, smiled shyly and said, “Deal.” I realized at that moment that she already knew what I was going to ask of her.
It was Chemistry class, but everyone was pretty much interested in the other chemistry on that day. The hour after the chemistry class was the scheduled chemistry unit test. It was only few minutes away and the girl near me is eagerly watching what I am going to do about it. Frankly, I had no idea what to do but brashly had promised her the impossible! Suddenly Ashwin entered the class. He was a bit late to the class after the lunch break but it didn't matter in chemistry classes as such. The lecturer is quite funny and she always makes everyone laugh by dosing off occasionally under the pretext of referring to her lecture notes! Aasha was afraid of this lecturer taking a test when the lady could barely keep her eyes open post-lunch! How I loved Aasha’s innocence.
The hour for the test was approaching fast and I turned to Ashwin for his help. I narrated the situation to him. Although he was serious, for whatever reasons, he willingly took up my cause and started to think.
The bell rang and the final hour starts. Now Ashwin was ready with an idea and he wanted me to lend my ears as if he was going to tell me a military secret. I heard his idea and then I smiled conspiratorially. By seeing both of us thus, Aasha went mad and started asking both of us,"Hey you idiots! Tell me… ..What's the plan?" We refused.
With a rough voice the lecturer called out "Come on students! It’s time for your exam." After she announced, there was a loud chorus from everyone, asking permission for 5 minutes to prepare well. With a stiff voice she replied, "Okay. But only 5 minutes and after that you must start writing."
There was a clock hanging on the wall, at the back of the class, which was facing towards the teaching podium. It's 3:00 pm. As expected, our murmuring works a suitable lullaby for the lecturer, who promptly doses off. Then, Ashwin signalled me and I silently went towards the clock and tried to take it from the hook on the wall. As I was 6 feet tall, it was quite easy for me to remove it from the wall. Everything happened while she was sleeping. All the students were eagerly seeing her and then me, they were curiously watching out for me..
I was sweating and curious in moving the minute hand in reverse direction. The actual time in the clock was 3:15 pm, but I reversed it to 3:05. Then I hung it back and came back to my seat. Soon she woke up and was about to call our time out when she saw the clock and said, "I feel today the time is going very slow and it’s also helping you for your exam." Everyone with a giggling sound turned towards me. Everyone was trying to act as if they were studying by having the book in their hands, but actually they were waiting for her to fall asleep again. But she was watching us with a bright face as if she had just woken up from a morning slumber.
The time was already 3:15 in the clock. Turning aside, she was watching something outside the window. Everyone was tensed that she was going to turn and ask us to start the exam. But it was almost more than 5 minutes and she never turned. I didn't know what she was admiring. Ashwin slowly went up closer to her as if asking a doubt. Actually he saw her sleeping, facing the other side, all this time. He signalled me to go again and modify the time in the clock. "Me??? Not again!!!" was my reaction. Everyone was bullying me with their looks to make me do this and I have no choice. I must do it. With all these interesting hilarity going around, the girl nearby me is seriously praying for the postponement of the exam, typical Aasha. Once again I slowly stepped and tried to take the clock.
This time it was easy for me, since I got used to it by now. I took it and I adjusted the time by noting down the reactions from all directions. Then, the time was 3:17, but I once again I reversed it to 3:07. As the clock was about to be placed on the hook, a huge vibrating noise broke out. It was from Akash, one of our class mate. He sneezed with such a strong sound. Due to the intensity of the sound, the clock slipped away from my hand on to the floor and the two batteries of the clock were rolling towards the corner of the classroom. Everyone froze and they turned slowly to see the lecturer. She woke up with a start. There was no clock on the wall. I picked up the clock and was hiding it behind me and comically blinking my eyes like Aasha. This moment brought the entire class near to a heart attack.
But Ashwin saved the day. Since, Ashwin was standing near her, when she woke he took his book in front of her and started to ask rapid doubts. Thank God! If he wasn't there, certainly nothing would have helped us. Everyone took a deep breath. They turned towards Akash and were staring at him. He laughed with a reaction symbolising that he couldn't help it and he told me to place the clock soon before he sneezes again. But this time I need to put it back on the wall, by having her looking at us. Ashwin had very few seconds to manage so I need to make it quick. From each corner they threw the battery to me and I placed it on the holder with shaky hands. When I was about to place the clock on the wall, she scolded Ashwin not to ask silly doubts and bade him back to his place. I was the only one standing straight in front of her, also holding the clock behind me. She saw me and inquired that why I was standing and what was I hiding behind me. I was totally speechless as was everyone else. Then gathering my wits, I started to blabber something.
Suddenly, Kumar Anna came with the attendance register. While she turned towards him, I hung the clock on the wall and Aasha threw me the chemistry book so that it appeared that I was holding it behind. Everyone started to clap at Kumar Anna and many started to whistle too, for his timely entry. He smiled with a proud look on his face, as if he is in front of his fans. As he left, I showed my book to her and I told that I was standing and reading, in order to get it registered in my mind. She looked at me with pride, as if she was seeing a state rank holder. By then she saw the clock. With a laugh, she said, "See! It’s just three minutes passed, but I felt like half an hour". Akash, Vishok and Bibu acted as if they were eager to write the exam by saying "we are eager to write ma'm". Everyone was enjoying the moment, especially me and Aasha. Smiles were on everyone’s face as if having achieved a gold medal in the Olympics. "Okay children. All of you start writing your exam". The very moment she completed the phrase, the bell rang.
The lecturer was totally confused and wondered why they rang the bell so early. Ashwin stood up and said "Let me verify with Kumar Anna and report to you ma'm". As Ashwin was moving outside the class, she heard the sound of the students moving out of classroom from every floor. She turned towards the clock and was about to say something. Before she could even start, everyone started to overact and made a melodrama as if they missed out the test and many girls looked as if about to cry, acting of course. Her face turned more proud and she said, "Don't worry children. It’s not your fault. The clock cheated us. Don't worry. I will bring a new set of batteries for your class ". By saying these words she went out of the class with happy tears. After she moved everyone started laughing, jumping and hugging me in joy.
My eyes were searching for Aasha, in this crowd. It was all for her. If it was not for her, this kind of joy could have never happened. My eyes found her. Gosh! she is smiling at me, this is it. I started to move slowly towards her, in the midst of this happy roaring crowd. She also started to take little steps towards me. What a perfect moment to propose. She knew that I am going to propose now and I too knew the result. She was just a few centimetres away from me. Almost I felt like I can feel her breath. With smiles and expectations on both our faces, I was about to say, "I......" when, all of a sudden, Jessica dragged her from me and gave Aasha a sound slap. The sound of the slap penetrated my heart like a bullet. She threw a chart at Aasha's face and said, "how dare you, you filthy bi*&#. Why the f@#* did you stick my face on the door of ladies’ restroom!?!". The chart slowly flew in air and landed at my feet. It was a pencil sketch of Jessica's face. And it was a "pink chart".
to be continued
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