The rhythmic sound of the wheels of the freight train was making Jacob drowsy. He was trying very hard to not fall asleep because They would soon be reaching Vegas which was a mere stop in their way to California. He was down to his last 14 dollars and 25 cents. They would have to hitchhike to get to California. Christina was sleeping very soundly which was no surprise considering how tired she was. When Vegas was 10 minutes away, Jacob woke her up and she looked kind of disoriented like she’d been woken up from a dream into another dream. She stayed silent till the train stopped and they got down and entered the supposed “city of second chances”. It was day 13 of their escape from the orphanage, even if They were hungry and tired and broke they still felt better, that was the sweet taste of freedom. They were making our way to California to get jobs and start our life anew. Anyway, they started roaming around the beautiful city and look at huge casinos and rich people in their expensive cars and clothes and Jacob couldn’t help but feel jealous, it wasn’t fair, how could they have so much while they have nothing. Somehow, they ended up at a dead-end road with a single but very huge hotel named Hotel California. They were about to turn around when the gatekeeper of the hotel waved them over and invited them to rest for a while in the air-conditioned lobby of the hotel because it was like a hundred degrees out there in the sun. Jacob was surprised and somewhat suspicious at the selfless kindness of that man but it was extremely hot and it wouldn’t hurt to rest for a while so they went inside and sat in a sofa in the cool lobby. An extremely happy man trotted to them and handed them two cards which looked like credit cards but had the hotel’s name on them. Jacob was confused so he started to ask the man why did he give us these but he’d suddenly disappeared. They went inside to return the cards and They found the same man and this time he brought us two key cards which looked like those electronic room keys and told us our room numbers. They thought he must’ve mistaken them for some billionaire’s children or something. They were standing in the middle of a crowded lobby thinking about what to do next. Christina saw a snack machine and tried using her card to get something and it worked and she was holding a bag of some nuts which they’d never heard of. They again saw the man and stopped him and asked how much money was on the cards and he just laughed like they were joking and went away. Jacob and Christina, even though they were very confused, had just one thought…food. They went to the restaurant and order a lot of stuff and wolfed down everything as soon as they brought it. When they were full to their heart’s content, they went up to their rooms to rest and slept on the most fluffy and soft beds ever.
Jacob woke up the next morning, to the hustle and bustle of people walking around and he opened his eyes slightly to find himself on the railway station of Vegas with Christina next to him, not moving. He started crying and just closed his eyes and went back to sleep, never to wake back up again.
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