Sofia walks in with her pink cardigan on. The morning chill grew a tad wild making her pull the ends closer to her bosom. She buttons it with frigid fingers. I'm watching her from a distance. I have been watching her visit the park almost every day, around the same time. She's so punctual that one could adjust the needles of their wristwatch if they wished to. She walks past me, with that familiar, warm smile, with her slight humpback and a walking stick for support. Her steps are small, careful but firm. She finishes the rounds and hops onto a swing. The iron structure knows her well, perhaps more than I do. The rusty part of it has always got a fresh veneer of paint and occasionally the seat too has enjoyed a makeover. It has seen her as a little girl coming to the park with her parents. Those days her tiny legs wouldn't touch the ground. It was her loving parents who helped her swing. Each backward move propelled forward in tandem with a seal of a kiss on her forehead. When her sister was born, she took over the seat but this time she had Sofia's back. That's what I have heard from my neighbours. Sofia cheered for her as a mother did for her child.
Now, I see her keep her eyes closed as her body oscillates joyfully.
How carefree she looks!
I wonder what's behind those almond-shaped eyes?
Perhaps, it's replaying the best moments of her life? That's what a lonely mind does, isn't it?
It helps you relive some happy moments; your past, which just sometime back was your present and looked so insignificant to you.
Gosh! How foolish of people to pine for a lost moment, negating the happiness that present doles out to them.
I see her getting off. She's blushing like a new bride. Her sagging cheeks move up making the creases around her eyes prominent. Nevertheless, she still looks beautiful with that love in her eyes for her better half. The shriveled man too has a walking stick in place. He paces up when he sees her. I remember his deep brown eyes; carrying the same emotions for her since their dating days. It's just that they have turned a dab lighter with age.
I had turned a notch greener with envy when they used me as a shield to enjoy some mushy moments.
Later, they made me carry their names, inscribed in a bold heart. I obliged even that. Though initially furious about it, as an afterthought I didn't mind having it as a part of me.
Each time he kissed her I turned green. Obviously, she is my mother. Though not born from her but still. She is the reason for my healthy existence. The songs that she sang for me and the motivating talks that she gave me have helped me grow so strong.
When she had a son, I taught him to be a good climber. But never imagined him to turn into a monkey. Such a brat he was! He would cling to my limbs with all force and would just not leave.
Once I got so annoyed that I feigned being naive and let him fall. He broke his left arm in the bargain and cried bitterly. Though initially I had chuckled but felt guilty about it later.
Presently, I see the couple walking hand in hand, leaving their sticks on a concrete bench. I'm amazed to see them walk with confidence. There is no iota of weariness in them. This makes me think, it's not age but the loneliness that makes you weak. When one walks beside their loved one, they just seem to stay young forever. Time stops for such lovers.
Ah! Love, true love, and companionship that's what keeps one happy, isn't it?
They both just left the park. She somehow didn't stop by to have a word with me. Perhaps, I'm out of her mind.
There was a time when she had all the time in the world for me.
Oh! I see her coming back with him. They caress me with their veiny hands. It feels the same as it did years back. She plants a kiss on me for the fact that I still carry their bold heart around, without complaints.
He looks at me, his eyes squinting because of the morning sun. The crinkles have covered his otherwise handsome face.
"Proud of you, you have grown so tall my dear," he says as he gives me a warm hug. My enlarged waistline can't have enough of his hug. I choke with a newfound emotion.
For the first time in my life, I see him as my father. To date, he was always my mother's husband.
I smile in silence as they leave.
It's morning again and I'm waiting for mom but she hasn't turned up.
I stand with stoic silence in the same place, anticipating her.
It's noon, she hasn't come nor has pa. What happened? I think.
The park had all the regular visitors today but them.
As the Sun shifts its positions angle by angle I panic. A gnawing thought keeps me unsettled, I don't know why?
A few hours later I see her son, the monkey boy now an adult crying bitterly. He is surrounded by people, a lot of them.
I see them moving in one line, to where I can't comprehend. Perhaps, some important work. But his tears are something that's bothering me.
It's a new day and I'm still waiting for Ma and Pa. My neighbours say she was about seven when she brought me as a tiny seed to the park. Her dad had accompanied her and together they had pressed me deep into the ground. I have heard from the Mango tree that she was regular in watering the patch. Motherhood is a state of mind. It's more about the sentiments than the physical experience, that's what I inferred.
Hey, I see the monkey boy coming towards me.
I'm elated to see him. A sense of brotherhood overpowers me.
As the distance between us dwindles he runs towards me. He hugs me clumsily. My thick and rough bark makes his skin itch.
He is crying inconsolably. The last time I saw him cry was after a broken arm.
" I'm now bereft of my loving parents. They left me abruptly for their Heaven abode. Now I have just you."
The news leaves me numb. I helplessly curse my immobility and the deficiency in humans to feel my emotions.
I cry aloud. Alas! my voice doesn't reach him and never will it. Though alive I'm still perceived as an object.
I want to hug him back but my woody limbs just won't support me.
Immobile I stand, helplessly, listening to his sobs. He's been weeping, I don't know for how long now.
I console him in my unheard words," Brother, I feel you, I hear you. Well, that's the cycle of life!
But I promise, I'll never leave you abruptly until the air blows mercifully, the sun shines, the clouds form and the rain falls optimally. I vouch to protect you under my ever-expanding, loving shade."
About the Author
