A normal stay at home, mom’s day starts when everyone is off to work. Then she gets time to sip a cup of tea and read the news; time to sneak peek into the world outside. But what happens when you read news in the paper that leaves you uncomfortable, restless and with many unanswered questions for rest of the day? Today such news about a woman suicide in office left me shattered once again. I stole few minutes from my routine to pen down my fear, anxiety and worries about pressure in a woman’s life that leave her with no option to fight further.
When I was working, we had a suicide case in an office just a floor above. I was off that day and only got aware the next morning, when I saw some changes on the ground and was then informed. The cases I heard then after are quite similar where the women commit suicide in office or home due to pressure. I am no one to judge their situation and pressure, I am sure there must be pain enough in their life to take such a step. But it puts me more in fear to think about whom they left behind and was the reason enough to put an end; an end or beginning to new sorrows? Death is always a painful experience for people left behind but no one has control on destiny. I have a question, what is the reason to take destiny’s most brutal decision in our hands?
I know many people take such step in their lives but I am going to confine my thoughts only to women; office going or stay at home, for me both are working. A woman’s life is full of challenges just like men but her gender makes her more vulnerable, especially in countries like ours. Social pressure, compromises, gender discrimination, less or no support, less or no decision making, dependencies and most brutal one judgement. There are many silent killers in a woman’s life and she starts showing signs before the extreme. We all love her in family as a mother, sister, friend, wife and daughter. She is definitely the bubbliest person you would have known sometime. You could be the one who could have saved her. Yes, if you are reading this, help at least one woman in your life who has started getting more silent and submissive. It doesn’t matter who you are, what matters is your support.
Signs of depression in woman:
1. She has recently started keeping more silent and has become submissive.
2. She has been missing social get together and has started avoiding people.
3. She looks lost and doesn’t take interest in any activities.
4. She has stopped expressing herself.
5. She looks sleepy and probably has not been sleeping well.
6. She gets aggressive or cries on the slightest.
How you can help her:
1. Try to involve her in group get together. She might find someone to approach for help.
2. Indirectly narrate and reemphasis on woman power and their importance.
3. Try to make her comfortable with you.
4. Show openness, care and concern.
5. Remind her how she use to be; loving, strong, fashionista, bubbly....
6.Try to show her the world outside.
7. Pull her in for some exercise regime or hobby classes.
8. Appreciate her more.
9. Give her reasons to laugh out loud.
10. Encourage her to give importance to self and enjoy her "Me time".
11. If you know her strength area, work on it.
12. Help her to become independent and take her own decisions.
13. Offer support whenever and however.
Usually women become silent and quite when in pain and that is a silent killer. She just needs a friend to talk and smile. Beware of not getting into her life without her choice. She is extremely sensitive about her family and people she loves, so do not worsen the situation by unwanted interference. She is strong to handle her situation, just need her power back.
Life is very beautiful and after every storm it even gets better. Give it a chance!
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