The pinnacle of success
The essence of happiness
is a shallow concept
if no health and wellness.
In your life's rut
when all doors shut
reflect on your health
with no if's and but's.
Unless its worst
Put your Health first!
Beyond weights and measures
and statistical pressures
It's a holistic tool
for your soul's pleasure.
Physically fit
emotionally hit
is your body's knack
to lift spiritual lit.
Oh! need to stand first
But your Health first!
Materialistically fulfilled
nutritionally killed
don't blame the eatables
it's your mechanism, that failed.
You couldn't make time
for your body's rhyme
Now, bear the punishment
for this unavowed crime.
Can still fix, don't burst
The moment you keep Health first!
Put everything secondary
for health is mandatory
to walk with courage
With a full battery.
Inject your immunity
with lifestyle and positivity
to reap good health, to trigger
your body's connectivity.
No compromise, no adjust
When it comes to Health, it's first!
About the Author
