• Published : 04 Oct, 2015
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Vishal looked at Rachit and tried to include him once again in the conversation. But Rachit got more busy in stirring his spoon in the bowl...as if...he was not interested in listening to whatever Vishal was saying. Frustrated, Vishal got up and banged his fist on the wall behind. This had been the behaviour of Rachit since...since Rupali had died in that earth-shattering, blood-curdling accident a week ago. Vishal had tried his every bit to communicate with Rachit but to no use. He had gone in some shell, shutting his own father away from his world. Vishal, on the other hand, felt helpless, the gnawing pain of losing Rupali and Rachit in just one stroke of ugly, cruel luck. On seeing Sarita coming towards Rachit to get him ready for school, Vishal slowly backed off and threw himself on the sofa. Even Sarita ignored him, treated him like dirt. Did they really think it was his mistake that the accident occurred and Rupali got killed? True he was a bit drunk...but that was all...he had not lost control! Or had he?
Vishal rubbed his hands over his face, wiping those invisible dried up tears, his eyes feeling gritty with lack of sleep...his throat patched, his lips cracked. He needed water. 
Each day, each month was passing  as slow as a dying man...stealthily, growing heavier with the body sore lying like a dead weight on the bed...but still not ending...each day was like an age...weighing heavily on Vishal’s shoulders drooping with depression. Suddenly he could take no more. Getting up, he walked down to his psychologist friend Shonali living nearby. He had avoided everyone like leech. It was time to face the reality and get some answers.
As he entered the steel and chrome, air-conditioned sleek office of Shonali, he stands still, seeing Rachit sitting with his head bowed in front of her...with Shonali's hand caressing his silky spiky strands ...and talking in low tones. Vishal could not control and moved closer as it was obvious they couldn't see her.
"You sure you don't miss him?”
He notices Rachit shaking his head.
"You still blame him, don't you, Rachit?”
Rachit moves his head in an action that is something between a nod and a shake.
" He is also missing you...he loves you so much. Can't you feel his presence?”
Suddenly Vishal watched, in slow motion, Rachit getting up, toppling his chair and shouting.
"No! No! I don't miss him. I don't feel his presence. He killed my mummy! He was an alcoholic! He drank so much that he took my mummy away from me! And you know what Aunty Shonali...I don't miss him! I’m glad that he too died in that accident! I don't want him back!”

With that Vishal felt rather than saw Rachit sit and sob his heart out.
Vishal could feel nothing...see nothing. He just heard one word, "Am glad he too died in that accident!" 

Vishal slowly comes close to Rachit and puts his hand on his shoulders...Rachit feels nothing...Vishal tries to call Shonali's name. She hears nothing.

Vishal stands still...with a tableau of his son and Shonali talking...their voice going further and further away...Vishal stood there...Vishal who wasn't there!

About the Author

Tanuja Shankar

Joined: 13 Feb, 2015 | Location: , India

A writer, a media professional, an educator, a film maker, a thinker, a traveller, an observer. I'm all rolled into nor, always seeking to walk on newer pastures, meet newer people, see newer cultures. Later re collected in tranquility...and havi...

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