• Published : 26 Aug, 2015
  • Comments : 18
  • Rating : 5

I visited a lonely island

Which was full of scented lime flowers,

Eyes were dazed and glazed by beautiful visions

The lake behind it, the murmuring bees,

And I was searching for a company to have a chit chat

Suddenly I found golden daffodils,

One of them came to life and started talking to me

She was scared and requested me not to hurt her or pluck her

I said I am just loitering about with least intention to harm her

She questioned why everybody wanted to uproot her? Can’t they see her happy?

It reminded me of a loved one, who always used to say - Why are they always after me? Can’t they see me happy?

I softly patted her hand and said:                        

I am your friend, don’t worry

Then she took me in her world and we partied all the night

She showed me her moves and groves

And finally presented me a baby daffodil.

Suddenly I felt a jolt and saw that

I was sleeping under a tree,

Wondered I, - Was it a vision or a dream?

I never knew but then I felt something in my pocket?

It was the baby daffodil!

Yes! Surprisingly it was true

My heart smiled, I planted the baby daffodil in my garden and nurtured her

In sunshine she glared like a golden flame

The golden daffodil swings and waves like a bell

And I got peace of mind and soul watching

My daffodil grow day by day.

About the Author

Rashmi Jain

Joined: 24 Aug, 2015 | Location: , India

Rashmi Jain is a D.Phil Research Scholar in the Department of English and Modern European Languages, University of Allahabad. She has worked as a Guest Faculty of English in University of Allahabad and as a lecturer of Professional Communication in M...

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