Exposed to the elements, my heart beating out of my chest,
Was caged for so long, for the wrongs, under cardiac arrest.
Lying with my eyes closed, but my mind cannot be at rest,
And not days back there was a feeling of being blessed.
But now all I'm left with is a feeling of your lips pressed
Against the side of my neck, in a pit full of despair,
And it keeps getting as cold as it could get.
The darkness is seeping in through the gaps in my memories,
Covering all my thoughts and the things you were telling me,
And can I please? Just say you have nothing to be sorry for,
Nor do I, for we had no way of knowing what we were fighting for.
Just the thought of it makes me jump out my very skin,
To a different world and a time,
Where we both could have had each and everything.
And don't be scared to jump, I know it's a scary drop,
But our world's upside down, leap down to the very top,
Worry not, I'll be here when you fall down,
My arms wide open on the throne with your gold crown.
About the Author
