I am sitting under the night sky canopied by leaves of tall Baobab trees,
We are all huddled here sweating through each other's pores;
Smell of sticky sweat and excreta mixed with wild aroma of the Serengeti hang heavily in air.
Uncannily we wait for something to occur in and around somewhere.
Shooting fireflies keep knocking at the impregnable blind screens around us.
The windless nature is as still as the leaves of the trees standing unconscious.
Suddenly there is a roar in the sky and silvery lights rip the blindness apart.
We are scared as the Gods up there are angry again and bellow their curse.
And then with rumbling, They launch the torrent scattering the ensemble.
We rush inside a darker cavern and dive into a mangle,
Your soft flesh rubs against me and clung together we tremble,
Tethered, all I feel is my pulsating loin and the boiling blood madly ripple.
A carnal lust foments in me seeping in you through our scared shackle.
Nature's fury competes with ecstasy for the pinnacle and then I subside.
I slump on you as limp as the fading storm outside,
Calm descends; I realize we have yet again survived.
Dawn arrives. I look to spot you in midst of down cast eyes but in vain,
With the brightening light hunger strikes and we tear at the corpse of the Mammoth we had slain.
Bellies swell; we are born every other day,
Belonging to all alike we eat, sleep and procreate.
Gradually with every passing day, instincts give away to senses,
In the tussle between our primal needs and life, the latter prevails.
We learn, we become fewer in groups and then pair,
Gods gift us from the heaven, a miracle called fire.
Soon I have you just for me and we dwell together,
Draped in barks and leaves you come to answer my desire.
We beget and raise offspring claiming them as our own,
The river of life flows relentless harvesting afresh as newer seeds are sown.
I am awakened to strange feelings which are not loutish any more.
The churning ascends through me to a zenith where I had not been before.
The basic instincts transform to passion, grief and love.
I am told by the priests who talk to Gods, this is how we evolve.
I have now lived plenty of suns under the same starry skies.
Refining every need of mine as I have civilized.
I satiate myself now in plush chambers with delicacies and wine,
But seldom, the temptress in you pushes me to whine.
Transported, I visit the ages to live what I had lived back.
I control my urge then fighting the savagery from going berserk.
I look away, the primate dies in nick of time and sobriety descends down,
I defy the biology and chemical pillage for I have now civilized.
Yet the crimson tides that spurt in our veins carry streaks of primordial ways bygone.
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