• Published : 04 Sep, 2015
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Under the dark embellished sky

the moon glimmers with all its might,

wreathed by a fragrance that mellifluously 

recites a story of the yesterdays,

nostalgia is reminiscing a land from far away,

fabricating a priestess's solitude days;

her soul embedded in the crestfallen winter nights

bestowed upon her was the sacredness of mankind;

yet fate had its way,

tantalizing her destiny with an irascible man

who bore a soul scarred with wounds

wished away with the maiden's solicitousness,

and engulfing the two in its enchantments 

love invoked and finally the forlorn wintry moon 

gave way to an era of unprecedented bliss,

but alas, the salubrious place in each other’s arms

was soon darkened with remorse

as destiny unleashed its cruelest form

pitting the two lovers against one another,

innocent love soon faded away

exuding a wretched silence

and their hearts once drenched

in yearning for one another

now laid tainted and defiled

with resentment and vengeance

hatred bearing its roots 

in the burning flames of love

soon incinerated the lovers to their deaths

leaving behind two inscrutable faces

whose hearts were ripped apart

and souls forever lost and sealed,

and tonight, bearing the testimony of a sacred bond

devoured by darkness,

the breeze brushes against her skin

an unvoiced woe wafts through the cool air

and the soul weeps inexorably 

as a somber voice

pierces through her heart

with a melancholic tale

of a tempestuous love that was

that is and will forever be.

About the Author

Monali Sarma

Joined: 30 Aug, 2015 | Location: ,


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