This is the story of Ms. Serendipity.
She led a frenetic life. Breakfast on the run. The din of traffic at rush hour, huddling in crowded buses and trains to reach her workplace at the nick of time. Barely squeezing in time for a quick lunch. Cups of dull coffee from machines. She was just another career woman in that busy city.
She never thought she would fall in love. But, true to her name, she suddenly chanced upon her soul mate in a quiet nook off the busy streets. Somehow, amidst her busy schedules, she’d make time to share her tales of the past, travails and euphoria of the present, and dream about her future with the seemingly Mr. Right.
They tied the nuptial bonds. Life was good. Perhaps not a bed of roses but good nonetheless! They shared thoughts. They shared their space in the living room, bedroom and kitchen. They shared travels. They shared friends. They shared a tub of popcorn at the movies. They shared the cost for their first car, digital camera and many more joint investments. Togetherness was indeed bliss. Ms. Serendipity was happy in her world.
About a couple of years into the marriage, there was a moment of “OH!”
They had not planned it. But the test was positive. The gynaecologist said, “You are seven weeks into your first trimester.”
Yet another unplanned event that happened by chance! What was she to do? She was at the peak of her career. Was she even ready to raise a child — her own? What about her marriage, what about those unfulfilled dreams with Mr. Right? Wouldn’t the baby be an impediment to it all?
Mr. Right was overjoyed, but his face fell when he peered into her sullen eyes. She did not smile, she was numb. Mr. Right tried to convince her that this would be perfect, that he’d make it perfect for her, for them! Nothing. The congratulatory calls that poured in elicited a quiet, cold response.
It was a mechanical 7.5 months. Visits to the gynaecologist, ultrasounds, and medicines became routine. Work continued till the maternity break was almost forced on her. Much to her discontent, she had to take it easier on the job front.
She often wondered whether her thoughts made her a bad person. Feelings of being elated escaped her completely. She knew she would be the worst possible mother ever. Mr. Right maintained his calm through the storm, silent, pensive. “This too shall pass,” he murmured as he remained supportive and gave Ms Serendipity all the care he could.
The final few weeks were upon her. As she curled into him in bed, her very pregnant belly between them, she whispered with a heavy sigh, “This is perhaps the last time.”
Panic. She yelled and screamed. He held her hand throughout. The sweat of labour trickled down her brow. She was disgruntled, “Why me!? I don’t need this!” The doctors and nurses took it all in.
Her screams were interrupted after five long hours by the screeching cries of her newborn. It was a boy.
She was not ready when she first held him in his arms. His frail arms reached out frantically and his tiny fingers found their place around her warm hand. She felt a tear roll down her cheek. Motherhood embraced her. She looked at his pale face as he snuggled into her. He was Destiny’s Child. She held him tight. She said a prayer. Ms Serendipity now knew why she was meant to be his mother. Life’s like that.
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