Dear Best Mom in the Ever Expanding Universe,
Here is a thought for you.
You are like a language
I can never hope to master,
mastery requires knowing
and learning,
and understanding.
And, everything fails when I begin to try to fathom
the depths you operate from;
there are rules with you
but all of them spell love-
even if I break them, time and again,
I still get love.
Languages punish those who mess them up.
but you have cared for me through all this mess-
I am sorry I mess it all up, sometimes.
There are punctuations I fail to place right-
with you, question marks become redundant;
somehow, you know all the right answers…
Is it a part of mom-training, mom?
With you, exclamations are soothed, fears allayed
and surprises rise in so many sunrises-
there are no commas or full stops to hinder
your River of Love.
If only I could understand….
Somehow language makes more sense to me
than mathematics;
you know it best, don't you?
But syntax snubs me
and words fall short every time I try to tell you
I love you.
Do you know how bad it is to fail at
the thing you think you know best?
I fail at words
yet words are the best I can do
to tell you is my utmost honour
to have shared a body with you, once
and to share your heart, forever.
I am so proud to be a part of you
I am so proud to be called your daughter.
Yours (even if I deny it sometimes) lovingly,