Wish I wander in the world of words
but my pen refuses to touch the paper.
Words seem to have gone in exile,
seek fun in a hide and seek game with me
and I fail to discover their hide-outs.
I search and search, in right earnest,
to pour down my sorrows in black and white,
clad in the veils of conspicuous verses.
Words; I summon you; come and cajole me,
acquire my sorrows, wistfulness, my memories
my cravings, concerns and my dreams
my joy, laughter, love and longings
my fascination, my fervent desires
all these I offer you in an open pact, mutual,
for I want you to dance in a merry mood
on the wings of tides, clouds and winds
with the musical ensemble of my verse.
Verses; once you emerged on stone slabs
that adorned the ancient temple walls,
the bearded prophets sung in divine praise
those earned space in our holy epics,
the palace singers were honoured by the kings
who enthralled imperial listeners,
peasants fostered it in farm dialects
and bards in curvaceous scripts,
movie songs made folks spellbound,
people got hooked to journals and small screen;
Why then you cower from my passionate pen?
Let me forget the looming fear of rejection
and forever keep my hopes bright and strong,
break from the cage and cuddle me soon,
the poet in me needs to cheer up her pen.
About the Author
