Fatalistic destiny
Merciless jaws of death
Perished my soul
As you departed
For your heavenly abode Mum.
Sheer helplessness
A throbbing open wound
I nursed
To let steely reality sink in.
Are the are corridors
Of motherly love
Endless phone calls
Non stop tete a tete
The wisdom and gossip
Have died behind impregnable walls of death.
All that remains
Is your picture on my wall
At vantage point
Where I catch your glimpse
A hundred times a day
Death, I defy you
Fashion a novel feat
Ransacking every corner
Of my home
Holding on to
Every picture of you.
Blissful hours spent
Writing a fitting obituary
Even more hours
Designing the album “Maa”.
Now my wounds don’t yell
Am at ease despite your silence
As I have captured you
Both in my life
And my heart.
About the Author
