Trembling walls, a drumming floor,
Alive I am behind a sealed door,
Waiting for the warm sunshine,
I am nothing but a dumb uproar.
A bundle of my moma’s love,
A pigment of my daddy’s might,
Awaiting at the dark crossroad,
Staring at the human plight.
Sweating, swollen sleepless eyes
Floods to wrap me in her womb,
Daddy seems to worry me,
As if I were to bring him doom!
CANINES-they have followed me,
From mother’s womb to lover’s bed,
Piercing, scaring, scathing me,
Tearing me till my soul’s dead.
Sniffing, crawling they found me-
When daddy threw me down the drain,
A Girl I was (not my father’s dream)
Thrown away into fortune’s hands.
Yet Death is not an end to me
I still wait for the rising sun,
When canines wouldn’t follow me
When dad would treat me like his son.
About the Author
