Bricks on the loose
Two little bricks lay side by side
Waiting for me to conjoin them for eternity.
I brought a few more and left them
Loosely by their side,
To see if they could build some camaraderie.
Every day I toiled to add on a few more
To the pile that grew larger by the minute.
Piles of bricks of all hues
Some old, some new,
Some all shiny red, some pale in comparison due to their age.
The pile grew larger yet more unsteady
For I had toiled to lay them side by side,
But I had not conjoined them as they had to be.
One day, they grew tired of lying side by side
And loosely on top of one another and toppled down.
I looked at the work of my entire lifetime.
Several bricks lay shattered and useless,
Mocking me for what I had done.
Instead of cementing them together
And nurturing them into a conjoined one,
I had left them loose and undone.
About the Author
