• Published : 05 Mar, 2018
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If a drop can be born from a tear

And swim down despite the fear

Over the leaf, under the ground

Speaking in the silence of sound

And when the end comes near

Struggling to go despite the fear

Clawing at the edge of reality

Breaking away, finally free

The tiny droplet crashes upon cold tranquility

Unleashing the chaos meant to be set free

Waves rumbling and tumbling one by one

The initial splash of sound comes undone

Released into echoes aimed for the farthest reaches

Whispering, it is time to unlearn the apathy silence teaches

Rustling the forgotten bats cloaked in shadow

Stirring the legions of insects left in undertow


A drop, born from a tear, falls and bursts

Revealing the water’s thirst

As it cries out into the darkness

Awakening the starry eyed and the starless


Truth revealed, by a drop, born of a tear.

About the Author

Mohammad Zaidi

Joined: 03 Mar, 2018 | Location: ,


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Born from a Tear
Published on: 05 Mar, 2018

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