Learn to be a human,
with a loving and caring heart.
Then be a man or woman
and act more than just your part.
Be caring, tender, and kind,
regardless of your gender.
Be true to your spirit and mind,
drop concerns of being fat or slender.
Cut through the stereotypes
by simply being the real ‘you’.
Give in not to clichés or hypes,
but merge old trends with the new.
Lead in your chosen careers,
not as a woman or a man,
but as experts overcoming barriers,
show the world how well you can!
Hold hands, follow or lead,
lend a ear and wipe tears.
It’s ok to lean but never plead,
do allay each other’s fears.
Love crazily if you must,
feel yourself grow and glow…
Don’t forget to choose yourself first,
surrender to your life's flow…
Learn when to let go,
or offer a good fight.
Sometimes, take life slow,
but know when to take flight.
Love like a ‘person’,
give it your best and all
But if things do worsen,
take a genderless call.
Be a ‘whole’ without the other…
Be enough on your own….
No matter what the weather,
this journey is yours alone.
For it really matters not,
who is man, woman or whose role,
life's victories are best sought,
with the calm of an enlightened soul.
About the Author
