Becky was a smart 14 year old...a willful spontaneous tomboy who concealed all her visions and fantasy for the opposite gender with bravado, indifference and outward aggression.
Her ripped torn jeans and bleeding knees from falling off her skateboard made her look like she didn't give a damn and was ok with receiving anything that life threw at her.
Her blond hair tightly tied behind her head, those sky-blue eyes and that no-nonsense pout made her an arresting figure in any group at her school.
She was used to the attention and dealt with it patiently almost humbly.
Bubblegum blowing and whistling she would jump with joy on seeing her friendly and sweet golden retriever every day back from school.
He would be slobbering all over her but she didn't mind..
She was given a warning by the history teacher for failing in her exam but she didn't care...
She had to show it to her parents but what would she say?
How to explain she had no affinity towards reading about dead people’s achievements and glory;all she cared about was the present moment..
She had always felt the presence of a certain benevolent energy or figure around her since she was a toddler..she would talk to it but later stopped as was prohibited to talk to herself or some invisible imaginary creature in her head.
She was a big girl now and she had to grow away from these strange pastimes..At the age of 14 Becky knew that these imaginary creatures were real , had a certain unconditionally loving energy and were open to consistently guiding her towards the right path and making the right decisions .
There was never a time that their advice and suggestion were wrong or landed her in trouble infact quite the contrary..she was always saved and protected by this angel with its sweet voice and fragrance.
The Angel was named Lilly by her.. Lilly was always there soothing and comforting her in all her challenges ..this girl was immune to so many tribulations ,drama and trials that most kids her age were going through...she had a literal protective bubble of light all around her 24/7…Becky knew she was loved and cherished by Lilly..and that’s all that mattered to her on most days
She made sure no one saw just how happy and talkative she was in her own company..the last thing she wanted was to be labelled as a weirdo , mentally unstable or ostracised any other way. She knew how cruel this supposedly caring world could be.
Her carefully guarded secrets and demeanour were the reason for the great peace and harmony she experienced inside..almost as it were a common reality for everyone around her.
About the Author
