I get up and dust away my thoughts
With which minutes ago I was so wrought
I look up to the sky which still is so blue
Despite all the smoke and smog that brew
I watch the birds so chirpy and cheerful
Ready to build another nest that broke was so awful
The rivers that flow and carry away all the mist
Are true lessons for why should we exist
We cannot be selfish to stop living because I am hurt
Instead should transform the power to nurture and assert
For all those whom mankind has endowed us with
To spread the fragrance of love and make them feel blessed with
The vision glowing as the rays from the sun
With the hope that measures a ton
Everything else is a void
As this is why we have been deployed
To fulfil His masterly masterplan
To make life meaningful for a man
So let us count on our blessings
And forget the individual pressings
To be good is the way to feel good
To be good is the way to feel good…
About the Author
