• Published : 04 Sep, 2015
  • Comments : 0
  • Rating : 5

But I don't let the tears fall just yet,

Hidden they remain behind my eyelids

Rest they do heavily on my lower lashes

A burden painful that I don't let fall.


Pains wash and paint the depth of my soul

With a harsh brush and a palette of charcoal

That which emanates from the pyre of your shadow

Assaults my nostrils as I struggle to breathe.


If love blossomed, took root through spring's beauty,

But this departure of yours defines autumn come too early,

Of your absence turning unbearably heavy

All that is left is a glaring vacuum.


Harder still that this pain is nameless, a monster-deep void,

Feathers fall with the wind to a world of hurt-

Momentarily filled with your touch,

Even time is nothing but emptiness to me.


Did you leave too soon, did we meet too late?

The sun doesn't stop turning, hurl flames too great,

Nor does the ocean flood; poured sorrows don't it satiate.

Harsh reality of mocking time.


You and I remain specks in infinite dust,

I may weep for all the time we did not have, but

These monsters raise their heads to tear at the walls of my heart,

Bringing with them the smoke from your pyre, urging me to let the burden fall.


About the Author

Sreesha Divakaran

Joined: 15 Apr, 2015 | Location: Bangalore, India

Sreesha Divakaran writes because it is therapeutic. Along with short stories, she also dabbles in poetry, and has published two volumes: Those Imperfect Strokes and Wine, Fire, Satin, Dew. Her works have also been published in various anthologies. I...

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