I woke up late that morning; it was quarter past 8. I decided to get off the bed. But there was a line whirring about my ears, “The time machine has activated now you are back in time. Welcome to your childhood.” I was scared about the sound that I heard buzzing in my ears. I stood up with a start but could not understand what had happened around me. While coming down from stairs from my room, I found many changes in my house. It seemed to match the blurry images I had of my childhood in my mind. I was really worried about the strange things happening around me. Thinking it to be a bad dream, I decided to forget it and focus on the present.
I went to the bathroom and to get ready for college. But what I saw was really shocking! I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror and I saw that I had shrunk! My height had decreased at least three times. It was no more a bad dream. It was now a scary one! Thousands of questions kept rising in my head. Suddenly, I heard my mother’s voice calling me for breakfast. When I went down, I saw my mom looking so much younger and prettier than she actually did. Confused I asked her what was going on? She looked at me with surprise. With a smile she said, “You are still in sleepy? Anyway, happy birthday beta, today you turn five years old!” Saying this she hugged me and blessed me.
I could not believe what she said! How could I turn five when I was actually 19 years old? Suddenly it struck me that what I had heard in the morning was not a buzz was the message from my time machine that it had taken me 14 years back.
I was starting to feel happy. Getting my childhood back was best feeling in the universe. I wanted to forget all the effort I had out to get my childhood back and actually enjoy it once again. I was a child again enjoying this wonderful, innocent and honest time of my life.
A man plays different roles in his seven stages of life and undoubtedly childhood is the best time of all. I wanted to relive those golden days again, be free and impish, without a care in the world.
I am five again, thanks to my time machine! I want to play with my hide and seek with my friends and indulge in my favourite hobbies. I want to zip down a slide, hang onto the monkey ladder and jump around. I want to experience freedom from any kind of boundaries. Memories play a confusing role in life; it makes you happy when you are sad and sad when you are happy!
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