He knew his heart wasn’t quiet as it seems to be. But little did he know that there was an ongoing conflict in his heart. A battle between what is practical and what his heart wants him to do. He forced closed his eyes and within a couple of minutes he dozed off to sleep.
This was the time when the heart finally chose to speak to him. “You’re always misunderstanding me boy.” It said softly just to make sure that the boy doesn’t wake up. The heart was speaking to the boy’s sub conscious mind that was alert enough to listen to it. “You’re always running away from me and my decisions. Don’t be so ignorant. I want to be heard and understood. I’m dying here in the dark, pour some light on me, and feed me” it said.
“I’m not being ignorant, instead you’re being treacherous and you backstab people after they listen to you. You prove this again and again that listening to you is the most fatal decisions of all” the boy’s sub conscious mind was quick to respond.
“We, the hearts, give you so many omens and so many signs when the time comes when you are supposed to realise your dreams. But you’re too busy with materialistic world; you seem to simply ignore the calling” it said firmly. “We hate being hurt, we hate being ignored and lamented” it continued.
“So are you trying to say that it’s the people and their mindsets that mess up things?” Asked the boy who was, by now, curious to hear the heart speak.
“No! I’m not here to play the blame game. You know destiny tests you in a million ways before it finally decides to reward you with your dreams. But many people give up just as the tests begin and try to console themselves saying that this wasn’t their destiny anyway. But as a matter of fact this was their destiny only if they had the courage to pursue it with all their soul” the heart answered. It continued to speak, “We are no less than an ocean, vast and deep. Just try to explore us, set us free and look at the ways we transform lives. Don’t try to manipulate what we say into something that is advantageous only for a while. I beg you not to shut us here deep in the dark. We love to speak and to be heard.”
“Go on, speak. I’m all ears.” The boy said who thought it to be, to give the heart an opportunity to say all that it wanted to.
“We can leave you melancholic for the rest for your day with all the sad moments you tried to overcome. You never really overcame them but just ignored them. You’ve just shut them down in that room where you never go. That’s not what is called overcoming. Visit that room again but with love and patience, relive the happy moments and forgive the grievous ones. Then you’ll have truly overcome your past. We are the only language of the destiny. We rarely speak but when we do it’s all for the right reasons. If you fail to listen and follow the path we show then you don’t end up at your destined destination instead you end up blaming fate. Listen to me please; and you shall not regret.”
“Vihaan! Vihaan! Get up you’re getting late for the class"
The boy quickly woke up just to realize that he was probably dreaming so far. But now, he was feeling free, the heavy heart he felt prior was now gone. And now there was just positivity around. He knew now which direction to venture into. “Or maybe go with what the heart wants” he said smiling to himself.
About the Author
