That particular day, I started with decorating our room with fresh flowers, ordered her favourite food and arranged soft music for a romantic note.
It was a very important day of my life. Not only because I had successfully completed my conference, but also because Rags was going to give me her response regarding our marriage. Yes! Ragini aka Rags, was my sweetheart, with whom I was planning to live my entire life.
A beautiful modern Indian girl, she was the definition of the phrase ‘beauty with brains.’ I still remember the day, a year ago, when I first met her at a friend's wedding reception. The moment I saw her, I realised that love at first sight actually exists. I don’t know whether it was my infatuation or the sudden rush of new feelings that I immediately requested one of our mutual friends to introduce us. Even though that meeting was brief, we continued meeting after that and got along extremely well. Luckily, our bond got stronger with every passing day; it was the best time of our lives. After being for a few months, I was certain she was willing to take it our relation to the next level as was I. So I decided to propose to her.
I kept trying her number through the day, but it wasn’t reachable. She was supposed to return from some assignment that day, but still there was no word from her. I was worried and exhausted, thinking about her well-being.
Next day's morning, I tried it again and thankfully, it connected this time.
“Hi, Rags! Where have you been? Out of touch for the last two days! You know, how worried I was. At least once, you could have called and informed me."
“Oh, Sam, I told you that I was supposed to go to a rural area for an assignment. It was initially for a day, but I had some problems and that is why it extended for another day. Moreover, there was no public phone nearby or any network for the mobile phone. So, tell me that how could I call you? I tried your number before leaving for it, but it was switched off.”
“Okay, Rags. Anyway, is it possible for you to meet me today? I wanted to tell you something very important.”
“What is it, Sam? I am a bit busy until 4:00 pm. After that I can probably try, but can't assure you. How about I give you a call around 5:00 pm, then we’ll decide where to meet.” Saying that, she hung up and then, at 5:00pm, gave me a call to meet her at a shopping mall. This was not at all what I had planned, but I still confessed everything to her. After a
brief pause, when I was losing my hope for a positive response, she said "Yes".
It was a dream come true. I was on cloud nine, thinking that I had achieved everything in my life and was ready to sacrifice everything for her. I was very sure that this relationship would work because I was very keen to sort out any hindrances that could emerge between us.
I was not being irrational, but our relationship actually deserved such efforts. We had spent a pleasant time in travelling, being together on weekends, watching movies, sipping coffees and so on. I loved her more as each day went by, and very soon, realised that this girl was a very important part of my life. I could do anything and everything for her. What I loved most about her, was her understanding and caring nature, qualities I had always imagined in my perfect girl.
One fine day, however, she proposed a live-¬in relationship. Initially, I was sceptical about the idea, but then, I thought of trying it. According to her, home could be the best place to know the real person and she wanted to judge me, before deciding that whether she could marry me or not. I never thought that she could ask me to live with her, that too even before marriage. Moreover, since her decision was to be based on her judgement, I felt a bit of pressure. Anyhow, I made up my mind and we both shared a rented flat.
Though most of the times we ordered food, during weekends, she would take over the kitchen. It was worth waiting a week long to sample her food.
Although difficult, we decided to avoid physical intimacy. We wanted to remain objective about the relationship and thought this would help. However, over time, it became increasingly difficult for us to sustain our abstinence. Moreover, now when we were living together, it seemed silly to continue this and so, I decided to go for it.
How would Rags react, when I would tell her? Would she think that I never loved her? I was engulfed with such questions, distracting my inner-self. I didn't want to lose her and so, keeping myself calm, I thought of asking her politely.
"I don't want to spoil this relationship with lust. Our bond is very pure and I want it to remain the very same way till our marriage."
Her words made me feel that to an extent, my test was over. She was thinking about our marriage. I started to believe that this relationship would definitely convert into a beautiful
marriage and that too, pretty soon.
It had been seven months that we were living together. We understood each other completely and our bond didn't need words to convey our feelings to each other. For me, I felt loved like never before. I had started gaining more confidence for everything, be it for work or love. I was enjoying every bit of it and felt like I could get even the stars for her.
It was before my conference, when I decided to ask Rags what she had decided about marriage. Though the conference was just for two days, it was important for my career. It could take me to heights but I didn't want to go without Rags. I asked her and she told me that she would tell me her decision after my conference. She knew its importance for me and didn’t want me to get bothered about anything else, apart from my work. I loved her care and revered her decision so we decided to talk about the marriage after the conference itself. My efforts were well paid through her warm smile. She was startled with the decoration.
“Rags, I love you and now we should take our relationship to its next level. I think these seven months must have been enough for you to judge me. So, you can make your decisions freely now.
“Sam, I love you too and I can’t live without you anymore. I want you. I promise I will never allow any other person to come between us. And yes, I want to marry you, Sam. But...”
“But, what?”
“Sameer, I really want to spend my whole life with you. But we have to make some decisions before getting married.”
“What sort of decisions are you talking about, Rags? What is it?”
“Look, Sam, these seven months it was just you and me and we shared everything between us and remained happy. I just want it like that my whole life.”
“Rags, I am confused. Are you trying to say that you don’t want children?”
“Of course not, Sam, I want children, I love them. But I want us to live independently.”
“That’s what we’ll do, Rags. What’s a big deal in it?”
“Sam, I want you to leave your parents and start a new life with only me in your life.”
“Ragini, what do you mean by leaving my parents?”
“Sam, I want to live a free life with you. I don’t want to take their responsibility. As happy we are just now when we are living together, I just want it to happen it the same way all through our lives.”
“Ragini, how is it possible for me to leave my parents? I am their only son; both my sisters are married now. Don’t you think that it’s my duty to serve my parents?”
“Ohhhh, Sam! You never showed me this emotional part of yours," she said and giggled.
“I am serious, Ragini.”
“I am also serious, Sam. I don’t want to share you at any cost. And yes, if you feel so responsible towards your parents, then send part of your monthly salary to them and let them enjoy their world as we will enjoy ours.”
“Ragini, they are my parents. Because of them, I am in this world. They have taught me how to behave, be responsible. They made me realise the meaning of unconditional love. It is because of them that I respect you. They are not my servants to be paid a salary every month.
Ragini, they have always been there for me. They never let their bad times affect me. Whatever I demanded, however bad it was for them, they made it possible only for my happiness. Why did they do this? Because I am their child, they love me unconditionally. Their love, Ragini! It is more than this love. I started loving you, as I saw you. But the fact is, when I didn’t even know what love is, I started loving my parents. When I first opened my eyes, I started loving them. I can’t leave my parents. They raised me. They have loved me for more than 24 years. And you? Just 7¬ to 8 months, and you think that your love would overshadow the love of my parents for me. No, Ragini, you are wrong! You are a big fool to think like this! And I’ll tell you one thing, if it would come to choose between you and my parents, ohhh... forget it! You are not even comparable to my parents. I won’t even consider you. It would be pretty easy for me to leave you rather than leaving my parents.”
“Sameer, with this attitude, I can’t even think of spending my life with you.”
“Ragini. You may still be thinking, but I’ve already made a decision. This relationship is over.”
About the Author
