• Published : 11 Jan, 2021
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Allow Life to find You
Unless the right thing is done, right thing will never happen. And unless the bad things are stopped, bad things will not go. But what is right and what is bad? There is nothing like right or nothing like bad. These are illusion created by our own mind. Let us explore if is there is any fixed formula as a right formula? The way you think is the way you feel and the way you feel is the way you behave. Emotion is just a visible side of thought.
Every person in the earth is looking for freedom; a shortcut to achieve that freedom. But short cut is required to go at some place, whereas freedom is not a place where someone can go. Freedom required eyes to see that you are already there. There is nothing required to do to have this freedom. If you think yourself as free you are free; if you think yourself as bonded, you are bonded. Freedom is the result of right thinking; same is true for captivity.
Mind is the store house of intelligence that can be your friend or a foe;
And man is intellect and evermore he balanced or dispersed;
his flow of thoughts and remain sensible or act senseless;
Brings forth a countless pleasure or a limitless suffering.
He thinks in secret and it becomes reality.
His invisible energy takes a visible shape.
Outside world is but a mirror image of inner space.
There is a space inside. At present everything in this space is happening unconsciously. Make it conscious because every experience is coming from this space. This space is a personal property, and no one can interfere in it. This book is about inner space; its management; science and its manifestation outside.
You are either deciding to be happy now or you are making up excuses for not being happy. But there are no excuses for the law!
I searched for the crooked man but failed to find one but when I searched within myself, I realized there was no more crooked than me.
Man is the creator of his own life.
By the quality of his own thoughts which he embraced and inspire
that mind is the tool to muscle his intellect and rule his life. Man may have habited his thoughts and acts unconsciously in ignorance; he may now build in consciousness and contentment.
The little volume (the result of meditation and sanctification is not proposed as an exhaustive research on the much written upon subject of the mind and thought. It is expressive rather than advisory, its object being to stimulate the reader to the secret of universe and uncovering of consciousness whatever you may call which is the only truth exist ten thousand years ago and still the same. This secret will uncover you to life by self-motivation not by knowing more knowledge. Others can try to stimulate you, but this uncovering will be done only by you. If it was possible to do by others the enlightened being who lived this earth must have done that. But it was not possible. No other person can do it for you.
The little book is the result of purification of words and filtration of knowledge of many years to extract a pure nectar. Attempt was made to sharpen the same knife of truth so that it enters the reader smoothly through the barrier which he himself has created.
Repetition of something is necessary in order that we understand the matter thoroughly without error. We learn everything by repetition so is the secret. The ten chapter in this book should be repeated enough not to understand but to get adsorbed. One reading is enough to understand but it will not work unless and until it is engrossed. There is no time table or excel sheet or number of times each chapter required to repeat. It depends upon the reader but every time it should be with complete involvement and interest. Fuel yourself with the energy of involvement and then kick start the body.
For every action man perform; there is a consequence. Repeated reading of something good and words spoken by enlightened being create magnitude within and based on intensity, created the consequences outside.
When such a burning comes within you, a nature cannot deny it, and it create something. The intense is the flame the higher is the success.
Since there is only one secret and there is only one law, the contents mentioned in this book is not different what was heard and what was told thousand years ago. If you want to transform your life, reaction is more important than the substance. The difference is the formulation. The same secret is formulated in such a way so that it does not required to learn but it will work automatically work through reflex creation of awareness. Each time if it was done with full attention receptiveness will increase which will lead to higher awareness. So here repetition with complete involvement is the key. Volume of the knowledge is not important. Life works not because of content but because of context. Even knife works better and better when it is sharpened further. So, this book is written to sharpen the knowledge which was already available from thousands of years. Finally, key is in the hand of readers which he only can move inside the lock to unlock. The book is a key but how to put in the lock and how to turn so that lock gets open depends upon receptivity of individual. But this tool will work if it is repeated enough each time and every time with complete immersion. To learn something, floating is enough but to immerse one must sink.
No thought is so serious to invest in your entire life. The book is divided in two part: Part 1 Allow life to find you and Part 2 Uncovering the consciousness. The first part is to make aware that there is something beyond this thought, something more powerful than us is working above all. First it is initiated with basic thought process which is most difficult to manage at present age and in second part is to uncover the consciousness which is beyond thought, memory and body.
This book is drafted to take inner journey for myself and then realised that it can be shared with others. Let us start our journey and see who can reach the destination. This is unique race where no one is competing with other but with himself or to say there is no competition ever and never be.
Chapter 1 SEED of Thought
Truth is neither in the book nor in any rules. Truth is within and to know this, is the only secret.
Lies are many and different for different person but secret is only one and same for all.
As a man think in secret so is he” not only comprises the complete character of a man but is so inclusive to touch every situation in his life be it joy or misery. A man is exactly what he thinks, his personality being the blend of all his beliefs and feelings.

As the bud arises from and grows after proper handling of seeds so every conduct of man spring from his intelligence and could not have manifested without them. This applies equally to those acts as ignorant and intended as to those which are consciously done. Act is the outcome of thought and joy and pain are it fruits thus a man harvest his life in his own garden. Flower happens to those who handle this process efficiently.
I will deliberately make habit of sowing good thoughts, blissful thoughts.
A seed has to be spread in a certain way. Once it is put in a soil, it requires right amount of compost only then will it sprout. A seed will do what it has to do, a soil will do what it has to do. One’s business is just to maintain a required condition of creating and balancing right thoughts. More water and sunlight will not do better but the balancing so is the right balance of thoughts. Thinking stressed above required point cracks up the mind and body.
Man is an evolution and not a progress by trick. A polite and divine like character is not by luck but is the natural phenomenon of endless process in right thinking; the effect of continuously living in joyful thoughts. The unpleasant character by the same process is the result of the constantly nurturing of bitter thoughts.
If you put seeds of nasty thoughts into the soil, you will reap the fruits of unpleasantness. The more and more nasty seeds you sow you will reap more and more fruit like that. Everything man has created has comes from his imagination. There is nothing which comes without going through invisible. By selecting higher thoughts and feelings, man can change what he sees on the outer space at any time. He has a complete control to turn his situation at his own will.
Man is created or destroyed by himself. In ammunition of intelligence he sharpens the arrow by which he hurts himself. He also designs the ways by which he creates divine bliss, strength and fulfilment. By the proper balance and right direction of thought, man rises to the success and joyful state. By the senselessness and greedy thought, he descends to struggle and unhappy situation. Entire mankind exists between these two poles and in every case he himself is responsible.
Every thought seed cleverly sown or accidentally fall into the mind, produces its own promise sooner or later which leads into act; bearing its own prospect of opportunity. Good thoughts bear good fruit, Bad thoughts bear bad fruit.
I will deliberately make habit of sowing good thoughts and I will do so not only for me but for all.
Every spoken word opens new flow of thoughts. It has a vibration and the moment someone open his mouth the corresponding vibration sprayed into the nature. The nature gives back all spoken words, and so it is also answering to all arguments and thoughts that man habituated. When a man uses very harsh words to describe his life, he is releasing a bad vibration, and the universe returns the same. The nature is fair with all, and simply gives back what was sown. It is utmost important to speak politely and true, and not to express tough words about what we don’t want in our life.
Choose the words carefully. Behave without the ego’s manipulative ways that not only body remain composed but also give your listener joy through your word.
I will never use unpleasant word because I know that by using such word I am allowing similar thoughts in my mind which will manifest at some point of time.
There are four dimensions of life; body, emotion, mind and energy. If someone want his living to be pleasant then first make mind to be pleasant; body to be pleasant; remaining emotion and energy will take care of themselves.
Every person has a thought and an emotion. The way you think, is the way you feel. Both are same; they are saying the same things. Emotions just follow the thoughts. Thought is very active; it changes direction quickly. Emotion is slow mover; it takes time to change so that period man struggles and think that his mind and emotion are not in sync, but it is not. There is a feeling that two different things are happening, but they are always same. Emotion takes some time to reach at the point of thought. So, for impatient person always at any point it looks like thought and emotions are different. Sometime mind clearly says that this person is not good but at the same time emotions are saying different thing. It is just that the time when emotion says he is good, thought already turned his direction. Again, emotions catch the thought, but tyranny is once emotion catches the thought; thought again changes the direction and poor emotion again follow the thought. This activity goes on towards the entire life. Man always fall short of time to settle thought and emotion at one point to conclude on any decision. It is just the different pace in which it runs. One cannot have good feelings on something and bad emotion on that. One cannot have bad feelings for someone and lovely emotions for that. The way you feel is the way you EMOTE. If thoughts are wonderful, emotions are wonderful; if thoughts are nasty, emotions are nasty. So, the genius is a person who gives time to his emotions to reach at his thoughts. He allows his thoughts to settle and wait for emotion to reach. He is master of his life.
Of all the knowledge in the space, none is truer and surer than this- Man is the master of his thought and emotion. He is the creator of his life and architecture of circumstances, situation and future.
Sow as many good thoughts as possible. As one begins to think good for a long time, he begins to feel good as well. More and more good thoughts will be added, and eventually good thoughts will wipe away negative thoughts and bad emotions altogether.
I will deliberately make habit of sowing good thoughts; joyful thoughts not only for me but for everyone around me. But how will I do that, I will make habit that whatever I will wish for myself; I will ask for all. If I want happiness for myself; I will ask the same happiness for all. This is the only way of creating blissful energy.
As a master of his own emotion and using right intelligence holds key to unlock every condition which he uses to turn around for himself.
Man is always the ruler of self even in his exhausted and most struggled time. But in his tiredness, he is a bad ruler who destroys his own system. When he stops looking outside and begins to dig within and knows solution lies somewhere inside on which his consciousness is established he then becomes a sensible ruler leading his intelligence for his wellbeing. He discovers his awareness and man can only live his life by increasing his attention to all his activity and his surroundings. This discovery within himself is totally a matter of giving away all resistance and submission to the will of universe. There are thousands problem outside, but he is not a problem. When man understand this, he becomes part of solution.
If someone spend only one day having complete awareness of everything around him and what he is doing, he will not believe his tomorrow. Deliberately thinking good thoughts having aware of everything what he is doing is exactly like planting good seeds and universe will transform these seeds into garden of paradise.
Only by much digging gold and platinum are obtained and man can find this secret once he understands and start digging beyond this physical body and logical mind. Only by knowing this difference man can understand the magic of life.
By continuous striving and always logical thinking a man cannot go anywhere and just revolve around in his own thoughts. But true knowledge arrived only once he stops doing external trial and understand that he has to do nothing to realize the truth. True knowledge is within us and to see this is the only secret.
Thoughts are nothing but recycling of the same information. Thinking of the same thing is nothing but foolishness. When he distances himself from thought process, he became serene. This is the only way to relate to the thought process. He will watch and direct his thoughts in the direction of joy and happiness tracing their effects upon his body and upon his mind. And considering his every experience even the most trivial in his consciousness and as process of obtaining the understanding of this law. The life is a process and win are a desire. Only by practice and practice man can uncover which he himself had covered. Life is a phenomenon beyond thought process with everything around him just amazing. This amazing vision which was lost can be realized again. Now is the time to become more aware. Now is the time to expand this consciousness. No other time is better than this. Now is the time to go away from Psychological mess. Now is the time to realize this life.

About the Author

Parag Naik

Joined: 02 Jul, 2019 | Location: ,


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Allow Life to Find You
Published on: 11 Jan, 2021

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