Air, leading her way to her lost soul.
Air, be my blanket tonight.
Sing me the melody of morning light.
Let me play with the clouds at height,
let me sleep with you at my side.
I'll let you tear the filthy skin,
hit my body and come within.
bring the shower of water little,
we'll sing the song of waves and ripples.
Feel my skin touch the emptiness in you,
come and take my soul to you.
I'll follow the murmurs of that voice anew,
feel you mess with the curls of my hair and touch my skin to lighten the burdens i'll leave to you.
Air, be you and just you,
The contour less soul that hides me in you.
I'll subside in you,
with no memories of the past night.
Just the play of words and the tingling sensations that are left behind.
About the Author
