• Published : 20 Sep, 2017
  • Comments : 0
  • Rating : 4.5

Child and Teacher

A confluence of wisdom along with a little mischief

Just like, Mornings are greeted by the glory of a Sun

And the eyes are opened everyday 

To relish the persona of an enchantress

Waving at us to start a blissful day 

By having some glee and fun.


The little noble hearts get ready to visit the temple of education,

By having a swaying mood, 

Just like a profuse zeal to build up their own recognitions.


O! Look at the other side, some feet will also be visible,

There are some people who are also coming out of their houses!

 They are carrying their bags on their shoulders!

And their bags seem to be a little heavier than others',

Which sometimes give an impression of some boulders!

Do you want to know who those people are?

Do you want to know why they are on a rush?

Well, I must say that they are the proud souls on earth

And they are named as, "TEACHERS"

Which eradicate all kinds of dearth

They spread illumination.

They enlighten the minds of little noble hearts

By the ever shining flambeau of wisdom,

And that is their deft crafts.

They roam from Greece to Rome 

And whereever they go,

They spread the pious iotas of positive notion

Served in a chalice

Which inculcate a sense of acumen

And it is always on a motion.


Their bodies are drenched by rain,

Their bodies get perspired a lot 

And sometimes their feet are adorned by blood

Because they walk on various kinds of thorn

And that is why they taste some excruciating pain.


Don't they deserve a little respect?

Yes, of course they do

Because they sacrifice a lot for us

And their numbers, in a true sense very few

Let us glorify the model of education in a more serious way,

Let the Teachers and Students blend in the holy clay of a statue,

Let this inseparable body be showered by the Great Almighty 

And let it be emblematized as a grandeur of virtue.






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Joined: 25 Jul, 2017 | Location: ,


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