• Published : 29 Jul, 2021
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It's dawn. The sunlight has already started pushing the darkness of the night ready to give birth to a new day and here you're standing on my shoulder, all in wonder, waiting to see the first gleam of that fireball coming out...

A memory from my youth comes back to me. Once I was on fire flying over the space looking for a place to settle down. Glory! The gravity of this beloved so-called planet swayed my path and I found myself falling twice. One was from the sky shooting down like one of those stars you observed last night laying on my back. The other was in love. I hit it hard. I disappeared in its hot running fluids. I didn't know I would be swimming in confusion. For a while, which is way longer than your while, I was there trying to make my way out. I didn't want to believe I will be swimming in a trapped love forever. It felt forever. Nothing seemed to change until I sensed the cold surface gently touching my back letting me submit to the slowness of the moment. I wasn't swimming anymore. I was altered to something I was not. I thought I was dying. Time passed slowly. My body was getting old and solid outside in. On the inside, yet, a sort of tension was building up as if it was the last and only. I couldn't resist to explode and finish myself. I came like a bursting soul thinking that that was the end only to discover it was the beginning, of love and life. 

Oh, Darling! There's your sun coming shiningly. I love playing with her rays. Do you feel the fresh breeze coming from the ocean that will later send a gift of cooling rain with the heavy clouds? 

It's time I closed my eyes and leave them for you to explore the flowers on my chest and lives in my nests.

About the Author

K. Q.

Joined: 29 Jul, 2021 | Location: ISTANBUL, Turkey

A stream writer...

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