Love is what keeps me Alive,
It is my morning sunshine,
It is my lullaby at night,
It is the food for my soul,
It is the song for my heart.
I can't think of life without it,
Souls carry "graves"in hearts,
Love in hearts died long back,
Beautiful skeletons are left.
My fantasy remains to breathe pure love,
Men are sick with power,money and lust.
It suffocates to hear dead speak
The faces behind faces are ugliest to bear,
Horrible Souls are everywhere.
A little hut on prairies above the mountains,
Let me escape into the world of peace,
The innocence and harmony be my state of being,
Like a lamb , let me not be crushed by devils,
I am a misfit, Let me go away!
When I can't feel love , my soul writhes
When people pretend, my heart bleeds,
My inner self cries to see the horror
Let me be Free, Its not my world anymore.
About the Author
