• Published : 16 Aug, 2016
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Dear Uncle Heinz,

I begin writing this letter to you because I miss your presence in my life every day. I have often wanted to write to you, but time and other demands led me astray. I remember writing to you, my father’s German friend, for the first time when I was six years old. You responded and we started a regular correspondence which went on for 25 years till you passed away in 2005.

A third person might wonder why I call you my German father. It is because you and Aunt Hannelore showered me with all the love possible – a relationship that transcended distance and nationality. You had never met me when I first wrote to you. Yet you began to love me like a daughter, just because I was your friend Milan’s daughter. Every year you sent me cards and chocolates and many other lovely gifts on Easter, Christmas, and my birthday.

I would write to you about details of my school life in my childish hand, and despite knowing only basic English, you would write back pages with the help of a translator. Amazingly, you knew everything about my hometown Kolkata. I know you were a vociferous reader and you took the trouble to find out more about India, Kolkata, and your little Indian penfriend.

When my dad passed away, I remember what you wrote to my mother. You said that you would help us with your last penny. We cried holding that letter of yours. And three years later, you sent us tickets to Germany to go visit you and Auntie in Velbert, Germany. My first foreign trip made possible only by your kindness! And what a trip it was! You and Auntie were the perfect hosts and showered us with your love and affection. I remember I gained five kilos because of all the food I ate there. It was the experience of a lifetime to be able to meet you in person, and we connected so well. I honestly felt that you and Auntie were my parents in a different life.

You followed every little success and achievement of mine and were there to support me in my difficult times. I still have your letters bound with a ribbon and when I read them I feel I am back in my childhood, safe and secure from all harm, because of all the love I received from you.

In 2005, you were diagnosed with cancer. I was in USA at the time, and I remember my mother calling to tell me the sad news. It was devastating. Being so far away, I felt especially helpless. Being the good soul that you were, you did not suffer for long but passed away in August, leaving me fatherless for a second time.

The last letter I got from you was in September of 2005 and after that a long silence that left a void in my life. Today anything German brings so many memories back and I miss you so much. I wish you were here with me, to see that I had settled down in life. You would be so proud of your little Stewardess as you used to call me.

I have a dream…to go to Germany once before I die and place some flowers on your grave. I hope and pray that I can some day. Stay well and safe Uncle Heinz, wherever you are. I love you and am sure we will meet some day in the afterlife…

With all my love and respect,

Your daughter Indrani

About the Author

Indrani Ghosh

Joined: 27 May, 2015 | Location: , India

A technical writer by profession, the love for English is something I have had since childhood.My mother was instrumental in encouraging me to read and after many years of reading constantly, I gathered the courage to write. I have written blogs for ...

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