The morning sun wasn't glistening today. The dark grey clouds had covered the entire city. Under the covers of darkness, different people had different perspective towards life. Each had held captive, inside their hearts, a different desire. The rain was washing away the pain of the city. The pain which was held deep inside got a medium to flow out. Most of the people had become slaves of the emotions they had locked up inside them. A little boy who was poverty ridden wanted the rain to bring him happiness. He wanted it to wash away the dark and sinful life of the slums he had been living in. He wanted freedom but the lead sky of the slums brought him back to reality. He could see his life mocking at him. A teenage girl wished to see her secret crush in this rain. She wanted to cherish the lovely weather just by getting a glimpse of the guy who made her cheeks go pink. She felt like telling the world that she was crazy for him. While a young man became nostalgic remembering the memories of his beloved, he wanted the rain to quench the pain he had been ignoring since long. He was regretting every decision he made back then. A grim realisation dawned upon him, he wanted her back. But all he got was, a mere essence of her in the falling rain. A married couple looked into each other's eyes, going back to the time they were madly in love, they remembered how they kissed each other under the falling rain back then. Just like two teenagers crazily drowned in emotions, they made love. They selflessly surrendered themselves to the sea of emotions rising up inside them and let love overpower them. A lady wiping tears from her eyes was missing how carefree she used to be before her marriage. She was her father's Princess and now it felt as if she was just a servant in her house and not some married woman. Love and respect were replaced by household chores and abuses. That princess was now an abused and dejected woman torn apart by harsh reality. An old man walked slowly towards his house, wishing to get his solace, to reach a place where his wife had gone three years back. A whirlpool of loneliness had engulfed him and his only escape was The Greater Perhaps. And he was waiting for the whirlpool to end, to reach its epicenter, where you only get silent destruction in a peaceful way. And the first drop of rain fell with everyone having different wishes, different desires. This rain was something different, something special to them and each one of them wanted to have their desire fulfilled with every drop of this falling rain. Because not everyone feels the rain, some just get wet. While the rest wish for something they had been holding on since long.
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