• Published : 01 Sep, 2015
  • Comments : 3
  • Rating : 4.83

Though it was a rainy day, 

But still the sun was shining to his dismay!


He wanted to go for a ride, 

And enjoy the nature's beauty with all pride. 


So he took his horse out of the shed, 

Climbed on it and brushed its head. 


He made his way towards the stream, 

Which was lined with heavenly trees like those in a dream. 


Then came a divergence on the way, 

He thought, Oh, My God, what a day! 


He had to make a decision soon, 

As soon will break forth the noon. 


He had travelled on one path before, 

Now, he thought it was time to even the score. 


So as he chose the path on the left, 

He secretly hoped his decision might not leave him laden with regret. 


The path he had choseN was like a heaven waiting to be disclosed, 

And within its heart was a sweet little cottage enclosed. 


He wondered who might live here, 

Then his eyes fell on a lady with the most perfect hair. 


The lady turned at the sound of the horse's hooves, 

Her face was so beautiful that it was control he could lose. 


He got down from the horse, 

And she made her way towards him as well of course. 


Then the both of them got talking, 

And soon he realized she is that girl from his dreams he had been stalking. 


Now both of them live together, 

And vow to love each other forever. 


So, yes, it was A BEAUTIFUL TURN, 

The thought of which still makes his heart burn!!! 


About the Author

Uzma Saifi

Joined: 19 Aug, 2015 | Location: ,


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