Raasleela: Conversations between a modern Radha & her eternal Krishna

ISBN: 978-81-981203-4-2

About the Book

‘Time is so relative Time is your greatest weapon, Krishna.’ Some books happen for a reason. Some books are meant to be. In this captivating reimagining of the timeless Radha-Krishna legend, Radha takes on multiple roles, navigating the complexities of modern life, conversing with her eternal companion, Krishna. Sometimes she is a working woman struggling with work-life balance, sometimes she is grappling with health, environment, social and gender issues, sometimes an artist searching for creative inspiration, and sometimes exploring the meaning of love, musing over the past, reflecting over the changing dynamics of life. The book attempts to capture the allure of Rasleela, entwined in a dance of words, beyond the boundaries of time and space, weaving together ancient wisdom, spirituality and modern sensitivity.

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₹ 399

About the Author

Tripti Sharan

Dr Tripti Sharan is a gynaecologist by profession. At other times she is a reader, writer, thinker, and a dreamer. With her dual role of a doctor and author, and her distinctive style of writing in both prose and poetry, she occupies a sign... read more

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