Anecdotes & Antidotes
ISBN: 978-93-918002-5-3
About the Book
Every time a doctor writes, what comes out is not necessarily a prescription.
Inside the closed walls of a hospital, lines are drawn, and battles are fought. But beyond the sanitized walls, there are multitude of roles that are equally challenging. The doctor thinks, her thoughts wander and the pen flows.
In her stories, breathes the compassionate doctor, the impatient wife, the exasperated mother, the tolerant lover, and a rueful citizen. There is humour and sarcasm, there is conviction and scepticism. And above all there is a firm belief in human tenacity, to overcome all odds.
She ponders, she cries, she laughs, she triumphs, because she is not just a warrior, she is the saviour.
Anecdotes & Antidotes gives you a peek into the intriguing and adventurous life of a doctor.
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