In all my years of working with animals
I have never felt so satisfied and happy anywhere else
Loved to be surrounded with animals
Feeling them pulling you, tearing your clothes in excitement
Vying for your attention, pushing, shoving you and giving you a tumble
I have played with them, cared for them, been with them in their last moments
I have loved them unconditionally and made them a part of my life
Cleaned them…bathed them…fed them..taken them for walks
Rescued them..picked them from garbage bins and gave them a home
In the end all I can say today honestly
I have been in many professions but the one profession I love and which has given me
The greatest joy, peace and satisfaction
Is being with these wonderful animals and sharing my life with them
I hope and pray to God each day to give me strength
To do my little bit for my friends in the animal world
Thank you God for giving me a chance to love them
Just keep me going till the end and help me save my friends.
About the Author
