• Published : 19 Sep, 2020
  • Comments : 2
  • Rating : 0

I have walked in someone elses’ shoes several times and have experienced the world of possibilities.

I have moved away from home yet found a home everywhere.

I am young but I have already lived a thousand lives without dying.

I visit my childhood easily and giggle and laugh out loud anytime.

I meet strangers who later have held my hand and guided me for long.

I have slipped, involuntarily, often helplessly, into another’s skin, another’s voice, another’s soul, and loved the journey.

I have unfolded world after world after world, worlds that sang to me, comforted and excited me.

Sitting in a room I have felt the colors of the sky during the setting sun or the smell of a warm summer’s breeze on my face.

I have experienced the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant countries breaking the shackles of time.

Everyday i feel like I’ve accomplished something, learned something, become a better person, and have become smarter.

I discovered I could be insane and happy and have a good life without being like everybody else.

I have successfully deepened and widened and expanded my sense of life.

I have made myself smarter! Less judgmental. More apt to understand my friends’ insane behavior, or better yet, my own.

I have the quietest and most constant of friends, the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers.

All of it was possible because I READ.

About the Author

rachna goswami

Joined: 23 May, 2020 | Location: gurgaon, India

I have grown up in the world of childrens magazines like parag, chandamama, nandan, Astrix, Tintin etc so too much fond of fantasies and adventure .I hold post graduate degree in IT and Marketing management. Have been writing since 15 years now. got...

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