Today I finally realized that there is a place called heaven where the best souls reside. If anytime there is a lack of good souls in heaven, God picks the best from our planet. And then again we on earth are left with people like us, very ordinary, who never find peace in our lives without disturbing others. Today I also got the answer of who are Humans? In science, we have all read about this species as Homo Sapiens who have evolved in various aspects to become the most intelligent ones on this planet.
However the correct summary of Humans I got to know after I spent half of my life amongst them n also being one of them. Would like to share a few of the characteristics which I observed.
They are born to be perfect and enlightened but How? Not by education. That constitutes the smallest fraction of this objective, it's by letting others down, mocking others, finding faults in others, humiliating others, conspiring against each other, playing the blame games, declaring themselves superior in name of religion, calling themselves God-fearing by practicing all blind faiths, announcing their charities and donations, visiting holy places and cursing the fellow beings. The list might go long so I have put a full stop after the main ones. This is the definition of Humans who believe to achieve perfectness and are called enlightened.
There are other beings too on earth other than Humans, they use this same education to lift the fellow being, to correct their own mistakes first, to judge themselves and not others, to work hard on themselves and their environment in order to create a difference, to make a mark on this planet, to not fear but love God, to prosper others with their bit of knowledge, to be simple yet show the courage to shut the wrong, to bring a smile to others in any circumstance, to make life beautiful whoever comes in their contact.
I have named these latter ones as “SUR” who are to be worshiped, looked up to, and found in heaven.
The former ones whom we call Humans I have named them as ”ASUR” who are not to be followed, but are plenty in number and have too many misconceptions about themselves.
Two days back I read a Hindu mythological tale of Rishi Shukracharya who was the Guru of Asuras in the Vedic period and practiced his art of Sanjeevini(herb for long life) on them to help them live a long life while the SUR or Devas always get defeated by this ASUR due to being in large number with the help of Sanjeevini. Today the history is repeating itself it seems, the SUR are leaving this earth and going to heaven unexpectedly while all others have taken the Sanjeevini and are continuing to spread misery on earth. First I was deeply grieved by leaving of the good souls so suddenly but now am relaxed and understand that they deserve a much better place than our planet.
If we want these good souls to be left with us only and have their love and blessings then we need to make this planet a better place for them. let's work on ourselves, get more clarity of our existence, meditate to purify our souls, talk less, and listen more, and most importantly set a good example in front of others. Either have the courage to bid goodbye to the noble ones or work hard to change this planet into heaven.
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