Sweeping across miles and miles
heat waves smother –
even an invisible bug
tucked safely under leafy veins
shudder and shrink a query –
why hot waves smother –
and light rays did not bother!
Stealthy and quick now
evaporating drops of water
linger on clouds in the sky
and blink dry at the tear-filled eyes!
There at the corner of the sky
could I see some clouds
laden dark with moisture…
Yet, hesitant to come as downpour
they drift along and evaporate
in the arid air of unbearable heat.
Is this the day of doom – a way
God makes everyone realize –
it is time to count your blessings
and let you not miss relentlessly
to understand – human sins bring in
all misgivings that refuse “live and let live”.
About the Author
