Fly little bird, fly
Fly little bird, fly
Fly and find your bird’s eye
Soar on the firmament high
Glide, dance in the waves of the sky.
Sense the thrust of your wings
The world out there beckons
Taste the power in your wings
The thrill, as you rush against the winds.
Give words to that joy
Give form to that need
Give voice to the song
That within your heart is buried.
No plugs there on the skies bright
No tugs there to halt your flight
No powers there to stem your delight
Your destiny - Yours, to write.
Visit new lands
Sing in new words
The patient ones will hear
The discerning ones will cheer!
But, if your wings are clipped
And your expression nipped
Heal your wounds, find your words
So what if your feathers fall?
Grow new ones and fly tall.
Fly little bird fly, fly on the aery surge
Let your thought and expression merge
The world will, in your words, submerge.
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