Oh when and how did the world change?
When did it gain this obsession so strange?
Why have people become lean and mean?
When did dieting and exercising become routine?
On the streets, why do people stare?
How is it fine to pry in another’s affair?
I detect a foe in a friend
When they declare, 'You are rotund!’
But ‘I have a mirror!’ I want to scream
And it’s a lot kinder to my self-esteem!
Alas! laymen have turned doctors puking advice
When did imbeciles become so wise?
I open the door to take a peek
Before I dart into the street
'Too late' ! I give a shriek
It’s that skin and bone chick
That wears chic boutique!
She catches me as I try to slink
And sermonizes without a blink
She talks of Zumba, she talks of Pilates
I stand mortified at her antics!
She talks of aerobics and calisthenics
Dispensing information without ethics
In the park people practise yoga
I simply shrug and munch my nougat
But when I turn my head in disdain
I find hordes descending to train
The park is awash with joggers sharp
Not one there for a lark, or with a harp!
I visit the doctor and he eyes me all grave
‘Desert the desert, stock up on salad
Do you want an early ticket to the grave?
Shun the sugar
Shun the salt
Shun the flour
Shun the rice
Shun all things white!’
But aren’t angels always dressed in white?
I want to tell everyone out there
My size is my privilege I don’t care
One can be fat and still be fit!
A life spent in calorie and sit up count
Has no space for the things that really count!
So, I will sit in the park and admire the trees
I will hear bird song and the buzz of the bees
I will enjoy the breeze by the sea in the morning Sun’s glow
Instead of fretting, bawling, regretting not being size zero!
About the Author
