Arise now, my love
the dying wick soots the lamp
and the rising dew mists the glass
The naughty sun kisses the first clouds
and they blush a bright pink
and rush away swiftly to hide
Bird song fills
the morning air as they share
tales of their night of love
Arise now! let go of the hem
that lies tangled in your hold
uncoil the thoughts that bind us both
The bed needs making
the scented jasmine grow stale
wake and brace up to meet a bright new day
The milk waits at the doorstep
For breakfast we shall have coffee and crepe
while you ready yourself and catch the news
'Hey wake up!', screams a voice
along with a hard kick to his shin
'It's your turn to make the tea!'
He cowers and slinks away with a sigh
Who betide the man who believes
'A morning's dream always come true!'
About the Author
