Today, I took a metro on the way back home from office. Delhi’s metro rail is getting crowded by the day and today was no exception. After changing two trains during a journey that lasts almost 90 minutes, I finally got a seat and was elated.
Most days, I carry a novel with me so that I don’t get bored but today I had nothing to read.So all I could do was look around and wait for my station to come. It was boring. I was sitting like a statue with a blank face. Some of the others in the ladies compartment were busy chatting and those who were standing were watching others carefully,hoping to grab a seat.This fight over seats has turned many a friendships into enmity. The frantic race has often resulted in catfights complete with hair pulling and name-calling. Then there is the hobby of criticizing another’s dressing. At times, the metro compartments is almost like a fashion show, with brands being flashed for appreciation.
But today, I saw something different, something that made me smile.
I saw two teenagers, schoolgirls actually, boarding the metro, school bags on their shoulders. They seemed to be very cheerful. One girl took out a packet of chips from her bag and started munching. They were young and carefree. Not polished or flaunting brands and without a care . One of the girls started explaining the significance and story of each monument or building the train passed by. They had never visited these buildings but were happy enough to admire the exterior. They were satisfied with what they had. I fell in love with their innocence. A packet of chips and good company to talk to: that is all they needed.
I also liked their sharing. The duo offered to share that single packet of chips with some other girls standing nearby. They were playing, laughing and talking and their happiness brought a smile to several faces. It reminded me of my childhood, when I would make everyone happy with my innocence and laughter. I wonder why we can’t retain some of that innocence. Love, power, money, career, ego and every other thing is responsible for wiping off our innocence but sometimes it is good to keep these things aside and enjoy our life like an innocent child.
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