• Published : 06 Feb, 2016
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Changing one life in a lifetime is called an achievement. What if someone brings a change to a thousand lives at a time?

It was a pleasant summer evening. The sun was at the horizon ready to bid goodbye. The purple hue of the evening sky, the dark silhouette of the tall trees, dancing in the evening breeze and the dark shadows of the birds flying back towards their nest before nightfall, seemed like a beautiful masterpiece of art – the only difference being this was an art by Mother Nature herself.
Below the serene evening sky, was the bustling Delhi Haat – a place full of life, laughter and fun where old and young all seemed to enjoy alike. The hustle-bustle of people, the smell of food varieties, the bright lights and the colourful displays all around cast a festive atmosphere. I could not think of a better place to spend the evening with my family.
My love for Delhi Haat dates back to the good old college days when I had moved to the capital to gain a degree in Commerce. It has been a long journey since then, a journey where I had slowly fallen in love with the city. Now, after 13 years I continue to stay here with my husband and my dear daughter. It is for sure a contended and peaceful life, though I am still in search of my purpose in life and a better job and financial stability. Sometimes, I think that I have lost that fire within, which forces people to venture out of their boundaries to strive and carve a dream life for themselves and their loved ones. I think I have got used to a mundane way of leading life, staying in the confined boundaries that I have set for myself.
My thoughts were interrupted as my eyes focused on a familiar face in the crowd. The beautiful face of my good, old college friend ‘Veena’. I waged my way through the crowd and called out, “Veena”.
The lady turned back and said, “Who?”
I said, “You have to guess.”
She said, “Shailika.”
My eyes were filled with tears. Veena was able to recognize me and her voice shared the same excitement as mine. It had been nearly 13 years when we had last met on the final day of our college. Running into each other after a decade was a wonderful serendipity.
We seated ourselves. I introduced my family to her and she told me about her husband. Slowly our conversation proceeded further. There was a lot to catch up. My daughter was interrupting us but then my dear husband, who understood my emotions at that time, took good care of her.
Across the course of our talks I came to know that Veena was working as a Deputy Manager in one of the most prestigious PSUs in Delhi. She was in the human resource department and was juggling between her professional and personal life just like any other working women.
Yet I insist that Veena is special, different from the rest, extraordinary in innumerable ways.

Over steaming cups of coffee, Veena slowly revealed the various chapters of her life; heart-wrenching incidents on how she had to fight legal battles with leading universities when she was seeking admission into an MBA program. She had decided not to run away from the challenges that lay ahead, but to stand tall and face them, fight them and win the battle.
Inspite of limited support from her parents, who had a tough time believing in the fact that their daughter can live a normal life without their support, Veena achieved the unbelievable. She had gradually learnt to draw strength from within herself. She had grown into a strong, confident and highly motivated individual.
At the core, however, she was still the kind-hearted and amicable person whom I had known years back.
It was the first day of our college in the year 1997. There was excitement and anxiety all around. Girls around were full of pride of getting admission in one of the best colleges of Delhi University. There was a brief introduction of the students and then they were asked to go to their respective classes. Mine was in room number 9. I was looking here and there when I overheard a sweet voice asking someone “Can you please take me to Room No 9?” The other girl said, “I am in a little hurry. I have to go.”
I turned back and said instantly, “You can come with me. I am going to the same class.” She tried to locate me and then held my hands closely. It was then that I realized that Veena was visually impaired. It was my first tryst with someone who was differently able. This day was however, the beginning of a friendship for a lifetime.
And it was evident today, when we met after more than a decade and the camaraderie was the same like the good old college days.
Those three years in college were perhaps the best days of my life, a new experience altogether. Veena was there with me in the hostel and with every passing day I realized the power of her strengths, determination and her intelligence. Every time I saw her I was awestruck by the way she managed her daily chores, her studies, all so perfectly well. Not even for one single moment did I ever have feelings of sympathy or helplessness towards her.
We chatted for over two hours. It was a great evening, something which I will cherish for a long time. 
However, by this time, my daughter was too tired and irritated. We therefore decided to bid good bye. Veena promised to give me a call soon. She wanted to show me something. Little did I know that ‘that something’ will change my perspective towards life.
On my way back, endless thoughts flashed on my inward eye like streaks of lightning. I pictured Veena’s life, her story, since when I had seen her last at college to this day. She had painted a beautiful life for herself, in bright and lovely colours chosen by none other than her. A beautiful masterpiece, an inspiration for several one of us.  
My daughter slipped into my arms and went off to sleep. I held her close to my heart, thanking god for giving me the most precious gift in her form.
It is only when your heart is free that you realize the importance of each and every thing, big or small, which the almighty has bestowed upon us. I was mostly quiet that evening, overwhelmed at the beauty of life which reveals itself magically even where there is adversity.  
While some chapters of Veena’s life were difficult and sad, there were several other cheerful and sanguine anecdotes, which, when heard, were bound to light even a stranger’s face. Isn’t this what is life all about? We all have our share of joys and sorrows and in the end, life is nothing but a tale of several sweet and a few sour memories.
While she was pursuing her battle against educational institutions of India for their biasness towards the differently challenged people, she did not waste her time. She was a farsighted individual and so enrolled herself for professional computer training and the most beautiful thing happened with her here. She found her true love and a great life partner in her husband, Prashant. She narrated her fabulous love story on how they met and how a relation that started as a friendship, gradually blossomed into love and finally marriage. Prashant, suffered from partial blindness since his late teens. But like Veena, he too had not let his misfortune come in between his path to success. Today he is a successful individual working towards making the lives of the visually impaired better in more than thousand ways. Individually, they had a similar kind of journey, they had fought with their shortcomings and so today they were so complete together.
Veena had always liked to go the unconventional way. She was determined to prove to the world that she can go right on to the top with her clear objectives and sheer determination.

The next day was a Saturday. I got a call from Veena. She wanted me to come and visit her at a place called ‘Daisy Foundation’ in South Delhi. The place was considerably far from my home. At the first thought, I was inclined to decline the offer, however, I decided to go.
After an hour’s journey on the metro and an auto-rickshaw, I final reached the venue. I inquired at the front desk and was asked to wait as Veena was in one of the classes. The receptionist suggested I was free to go and look around.
After taking a couple of steps, I found a small room where I saw Veena surrounded by a bunch of children of various age groups. She was talking and providing them guidance and counselling. A group of few were talking to Veena on their career path and opportunities.  Few others were working on block puzzles while some were painting a piece of art. It was a remarkable experience to watch the groups from a close distance. They were hardly aware that I was around. Some among these little ones were completely visually impaired, some partially, but each eye had a glitter, filled with dreams of a bright tomorrow. Dreams kindled in their tiny hearts by the inspiring words of their mentor and teacher – Veena.
I slowly traced my steps and walked back towards the reception.  There I was informed that while working at NTPC on weekdays, Veena visits the centre on weekends and provides counselling to numerous children in this facility.
I was exhilarated by observing the difference that Veena was making to numerous lives in the society. I was filled with a deep sense of appreciation. She had made an attempt to touch the lives of millions of people who shared the same fate. Like a river which nurtures the soil so that beautiful flowers and trees can blossom on it, Veena had set an example for millions of tiny souls and instilled a belief that nothing is impossible. With that firm belief the little ones were all set to conquer the world.
I had known years back that she was indeed special in many ways and today I take pride in sharing her story with the world for them to know that will power is the supreme gift to human beings. In a country like ours where women are victims to injustice of all sorts, forced to abide by unnecessary societal obligations and who are demotivated most of the times, Veena achieved something that is truly unbelievable.
As I walked through the narrow corridors of ‘Daisy Foundation’, I glanced at the pictures on the wall. There was a section dedicated to Veena. The pictures showed how she had participated in fashion shows, mountaineering treks and paragliding adventures. She had once said, “The biggest disability is a negative attitude.” And today she had proved that with a positive attitude, nothing is invincible.
Tears again rolled down from my eyes. They were of pride and happiness and also gratitude towards destiny for giving me a chance to see this beautiful picture of life.

About the Author


Joined: 02 Feb, 2016 | Location: , India

A dreamer, in the truest sense... That's how i describe myself. ...

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