The enchanting imperfection
Of the broken crystal chandelier
Still hanging in the centre
Makes everything look so mystical
When the evening twilight
Fills the room;
Peaking through my windows.
It casts jagged shapes
On the expansive ivory walls
The centre table reflecting
The yellow, broken twinkle
In my dry, marble eyes.
My sparse den feels heaven
Away from the earth-chaos
Studded with stars
Dust of the past, swirling
In the glare of the broken,
Fragmented chandelier light.
Imperfect life, marred moments
Complete with minutiae
Etched crystal clear in memory
It’s the imperfections that make them
Endearingly remarkable.
Otherwise, all-time would be
One episode dovetailing
Flawlessly with another;
Perfectly forgettable!
About the Author
